Colloquium: Random first order transition theory concepts in biology and physics

TR Kirkpatrick, D Thirumalai - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2015‏ - APS
The routine transformation of a liquid, as it is rapidly cooled, resulting in glass formation, is
remarkably complex. A theoretical explanation of the dynamics associated with this process …

The race to the bottom: approaching the ideal glass?

CP Royall, F Turci, S Tatsumi, J Russo… - Journal of Physics …, 2018‏ -
Key to resolving the scientific challenge of the glass transition is to understand the origin of
the massive increase in viscosity of liquids cooled below their melting temperature (avoiding …

Multidimensional stationary probability distribution for interacting active particles

C Maggi, UMB Marconi, N Gnan, R Di Leonardo - Scientific reports, 2015‏ -
We derive the stationary probability distribution for a non-equilibrium system composed by
an arbitrary number of degrees of freedom that are subject to Gaussian colored noise and a …

Active topological glass

J Smrek, I Chubak, CN Likos, K Kremer - Nature communications, 2020‏ -
The glass transition in soft matter systems is generally triggered by an increase in packing
fraction or a decrease in temperature. It has been conjectured that the internal topology of …

A topologically driven glass in ring polymers

D Michieletto, MS Turner - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 2016‏ -
The static and dynamic properties of ring polymers in concentrated solutions remains one of
the last deep unsolved questions in polymer physics. At the same time, the nature of the …

Glasses and aging, A statistical mechanics perspective on

F Arceri, FP Landes, L Berthier, G Biroli - Statistical and Nonlinear Physics, 2022‏ - Springer
We start with a few concise definitions of the most important concepts discussed in this entry.
Glass transition For molecular liquids, the glass transition denotes a crossover from a …

Probing a liquid to glass transition in equilibrium

W Kob, L Berthier - Physical review letters, 2013‏ - APS
We use computer simulations to investigate the static properties of a simple glass-forming
fluid in which the positions of a finite fraction of the particles have been frozen. By probing …

Glassiness and heterogeneous dynamics in dense solutions of ring polymers

D Michieletto, N Nahali, A Rosa - Physical review letters, 2017‏ - APS
Understanding how topological constraints affect the dynamics of polymers in solution is at
the basis of any polymer theory and it is particularly needed for melts of rings. These …

[HTML][HTML] Active Brownian particles in random and porous environments

F Moore, J Russo, TB Liverpool… - The Journal of Chemical …, 2023‏ -
The transport of active particles may occur in complex environments, in which it emerges
from the interplay between the mobility of the active components and the quenched disorder …

Probing the non-Debye low-frequency excitations in glasses through random pinning

L Angelani, M Paoluzzi, G Parisi, G Ruocco - Proceedings of the National …, 2018‏ -
We investigate the properties of the low-frequency spectrum in the density of states D (ω) of
a 3D model glass former. To magnify the non-Debye sector of the spectrum, we introduce a …