Solving complex multi-UAV mission planning problems using multi-objective genetic algorithms

C Ramirez-Atencia, G Bello-Orgaz, MD R-Moreno… - Soft Computing, 2017 - Springer
Due to recent booming of unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) technologies, these are being used
in many fields involving complex tasks. Some of them involve a high risk to the vehicle …


T Walsh - International Conference on Principles and Practice of …, 2000 - Springer
We perform a comprehensive study of map**s between constraint satisfaction problems
(CSPs) and propositional satisfiability (SAT). We analyse four different map**s of SAT …

Backtracking algorithms for disjunctions of temporal constraints

K Stergiou, M Koubarakis - Artificial Intelligence, 2000 - Elsevier
We extend the framework of simple temporal problems studied originally by Dechter, Meiri
and Pearl to consider constraints of the form x 1− y 1≤ r 1∨⋯∨ xn− yn≤ rn, where x 1 …

Constraint programming

A Bockmayr, JN Hooker - Handbooks in Operations Research and …, 2005 - Elsevier
Constraint programming (CP) methods exhibit several parallels with branch-and-cut
methods for mixed integer programming (MIP). Both generate a branching tree. Both use …

Constraint satisfaction algorithms for graph pattern matching

J Larrosa, G Valiente - Mathematical structures in computer science, 2002 -
Graph pattern matching is a central problem in many application fields. Since it is NP-
complete, we cannot expect to find algorithms with a good worst-case performance …

Efficient solution techniques for disjunctive temporal reasoning problems

I Tsamardinos, ME Pollack - Artificial Intelligence, 2003 - Elsevier
Over the past few years, a new constraint-based formalism for temporal reasoning has been
developed to represent and reason about Disjunctive Temporal Problems (DTPs). The class …

Global constraints for lexicographic orderings

A Frisch, B Hnich, Z Kiziltan, I Miguel… - Principles and Practice of …, 2002 - Springer
We propose some global constraints for lexicographic orderings on vectors of variables.
These constraints are very useful for breaking a certain kind of symmetry arising in matrices …

Constraint and integer programming

M Milano, M Trick - Constraint and integer programming: toward a …, 2004 - Springer
The purpose of this introductory chapteris to provide the basicconcepts behind Constraint
Programming (CP) and IntegerProgramming (IP). These two fields covera variety of aspects …

Function variables for constraint programming

B Hnich - AI Communications, 2003 -
We introduce function variables to constraint programs (CP), variables whose values are
one of (exponentially many) possible functions between two sets. Such variables are useful …

Permutation problems and channelling constraints

T Walsh - International Conference on Logic for Programming …, 2001 - Springer
When writing a constraint program, we have to decide what to make the decision variable,
and how to represent the constraints on these variables. In many cases, there is …