Challenging unintended pregnancy as an indicator of reproductive autonomy
For many years, most of us in the Society of Family Planning and the wider reproductive
health community have relied on the number of unintended pregnancies as a justification for …
health community have relied on the number of unintended pregnancies as a justification for …
The illusion of stable fertility preferences
Fertility preferences have long played a key role in models of fertility differentials and
change. We examine the stability of preferences over time using rich panel data on Kenyan …
change. We examine the stability of preferences over time using rich panel data on Kenyan …
Challenging unintended pregnancy as an indicator of reproductive autonomy: A response
Potter and colleagues are right: the retrospective, population-level measure of unintended
pregnancy—typically presented as a rate among women of reproductive age or as a …
pregnancy—typically presented as a rate among women of reproductive age or as a …
Comparing prospective and retrospective reports of pregnancy intention in a longitudinal cohort of US women
CONTEXT Measurement of pregnancy intentions typically relies on retrospective reporting,
an approach that may misrepresent the extent of unintended pregnancy. However, the …
an approach that may misrepresent the extent of unintended pregnancy. However, the …
Socioeconomic differences in use of antiseizure medication in pregnancies with maternal epilepsy: A population‐based study from Nordic universal health care …
Objective Research points to disparities in disease burden and access to medical care in
epilepsy. We studied the association between socioeconomic status (SES) and antiseizure …
epilepsy. We studied the association between socioeconomic status (SES) and antiseizure …
Wealth and the Transition to Motherhood
Wealth, a significant dimension of inequality that captures both financial security and social
position, shapes patterns of family formation. This study evaluates the role of wealth in the …
position, shapes patterns of family formation. This study evaluates the role of wealth in the …
Didn't Plan One but got One: Unintended and sooner-than-intended Parents in the East and the West of Europe
The realisation rates of short-term childbearing intentions are known to be consistently lower
in post-socialist countries than in the rest of Europe. However, the East–West differences in …
in post-socialist countries than in the rest of Europe. However, the East–West differences in …
Black-White differences in pregnancy desire during the transition to adulthood
This article explores race differences in the desire to avoid pregnancy or become pregnant
using survey data from a random sample of 914 young women (ages 18–22) living in a …
using survey data from a random sample of 914 young women (ages 18–22) living in a …
Women's life experiences and shifting reports of pregnancy planning
Background Unplanned pregnancy is associated with adverse consequences for women.
Yet, these associations are typically based on women's reports of pregnancy planning …
Yet, these associations are typically based on women's reports of pregnancy planning …
The realization of short-term fertility intentions among immigrants and children of immigrants in Norway and Sweden
E Carlsson - International Migration Review, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Immigrant fertility and the realization of fertility intentions are two topics of considerable
interest in contemporary demographic research. Yet very few studies have explored the …
interest in contemporary demographic research. Yet very few studies have explored the …