A Rydberg tweezer platform with potassium atoms

N Lorenz - 2021 - edoc.ub.uni-muenchen.de
Quantum simulation offers the possibility to study quantum mechanical problems which are
untraceable on classical computers. This thesis introduces a novel platform for quantum …

[PDF][PDF] Spin-resolved microscopy of strongly correlated fermionic many-body states

TA Hilker - 2017 - pure.mpg.de
Ultracold fermionic atoms in optical lattices allows to simulate the behavior of electrons in
strongly correlated materials. In this thesis, we demonstrate the preparation and site-and …

Quantum gas microscopy of Fermi-Hubbard ladders

S Hirthe - 2023 - edoc.ub.uni-muenchen.de
Understanding the behavior of strongly interacting quantum systems remains a central
challenge in modern physics. The intrinsic complexity of these correlated systems has …

[PDF][PDF] Towards Quantum Gas Microscopy of Ultracold Molecules

J MORTLOCK - 2024 - etheses.dur.ac.uk
Ultracold atoms in optical lattices allow the study of large ensembles of strongly interacting
quantum particles in an isolated environment. They are widely used as analogue quantum …

[PDF][PDF] A novel apparatus for quantum gas microscopy of lithium atoms

A Kerkmann - 2019 - ediss.sub.uni-hamburg.de
The behavior of quantum many-body systems in nature is often an issue of great complexity.
Hence, instead of describing those systems entirely, we tend to extract particular …

Spin and density resolved microscopy of Hubbard chains

M Boll - 2016 - edoc.ub.uni-muenchen.de
Diese Dissertation berichtet von der mikroskopischen Untersuchung antiferromagnetischer
Ordnung in Hubbard Ketten, die mit ultrakalten, repulsiv wechselwirkenden Fermionen in …

Theoretical analysis of a continuous-wave 323 nm laser generated by a singly resonant optical parametric oscillator with intracavity sum-frequency generation

X Gao, P Li, Z Wu, S Dai, Y Gu - Laser Physics, 2018 - iopscience.iop.org
Theoretical calculations of a singly resonant optical parametric oscillator (SRO) with
intracavity sum-frequency generation (SFG)(IC-SFG-SRO) are presented to obtain tunable …

Towards single-atom imaging of the unitary Fermi gas

K Dai - 2022 - theses.hal.science
This thesis presents our new generation 6Li-based quantum gas experiment with wide-
ranging capabilities, mainly aiming to study the microscopic properties of strongly interacting …

[PDF][PDF] Second-Flarmonic Generation for Narrow-Line Cooling of 7Li

D Luo - 2017 - repository.rice.edu
Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) is a state of matter of a dilute Boson gas cooled to a
temperature close to absolute zero. A large fraction of particles occupy the quantum state …

A Setup for High-Resolution Imaging of Ultracold Lithium Atoms

MH Hagemann - 2020 - ediss.sub.uni-hamburg.de
In the field of research of ultracold quantum gases, quantum gas microscopes have
established as an effective tool for direct observation of spatial correlations and dynamics of …