Building composite indicators using multicriteria methods: a review

S El Gibari, T Gómez, F Ruiz - Journal of Business Economics, 2019 - Springer
Composite indicators are increasingly recognised as a useful tool in policy analysis and
public communication. They provide simple comparisons of units that can be used to …

Vulnerability of national economies to the impacts of climate change on fisheries

EH Allison, AL Perry, MC Badjeck… - Fish and …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Anthropogenic global warming has significantly influenced physical and biological
processes at global and regional scales. The observed and anticipated changes in global …

Vulnerability of fishery-based livelihoods to the impacts of climate variability and change: insights from coastal Bangladesh

MM Islam, S Sallu, K Hubacek, J Paavola - Regional Environmental …, 2014 - Springer
Globally, fisheries support livelihoods of over half a billion people who are exposed to
multiple climatic stresses and shocks that affect their capacity to subsist. Yet, only limited …

Empirical evaluation of agricultural sustainability using composite indicators

JA Gómez-Limón, G Sanchez-Fernandez - Ecological economics, 2010 - Elsevier
The aim of this study was to develop a practical methodology for evaluating the sustainability
of farms by means of composite indicators, and to apply it to two agricultural systems, the …

Sustainability index for water resources planning and management

S Sandoval-Solis, DC McKinney… - Journal of water …, 2011 -
This paper presents a water resources sustainability index that makes it possible to evaluate
and compare different water management policies with respect to their sustainability. The …

A mathematical programming approach to constructing composite indicators

P Zhou, BW Ang, KL Poh - Ecological economics, 2007 - Elsevier
Composite indicators (CIs) have been widely accepted as a tool for performance monitoring,
benchmarking, policy analysis and public communication in various fields. To a large extent …

A common weight MCDA–DEA approach to construct composite indicators

SM Hatefi, SA Torabi - Ecological Economics, 2010 - Elsevier
A common weight multi criteria decision analysis (MCDA)–data envelopment analysis (DEA)
approach is proposed to construct composite indicators (CIs). The proposed MCDA–DEA …

Livestock and food security: vulnerability to population growth and climate change

OF Godber, R Wall - Global change biology, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Livestock production is an important contributor to sustainable food security for many
nations, particularly in low‐income areas and marginal habitats that are unsuitable for crop …

Climate change vulnerability assessment in Georgia

KC Binita, JM Shepherd, CJ Gaither - Applied Geography, 2015 - Elsevier
Climate change is occurring in the Southeastern United States, and one manifestation is
changes in frequency and intensity of extreme events. A vulnerability assessment is …

Improved method to calculate a water poverty index at local scale

RG Garriga, AP Foguet - Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2010 -
The Water Poverty Index (WPI) was created as an interdisciplinary indicator to assess water
stress and scarcity, linking physical estimates of water availability with the socioeconomic …