[BOK][B] Robust control of time-delay systems
QC Zhong - 2006 - books.google.com
Systems with delays appear frequently in engineering; typical examples of time-delay
systems are communication networks, chemical processes and tele-operation systems. The …
systems are communication networks, chemical processes and tele-operation systems. The …
Dirac structures and boundary control systems associated with skew-symmetric differential operators
Associated with a skew-symmetric linear operator on the spatial domain a,b we define a
Dirac structure which includes the port variables on the boundary of this spatial domain. This …
Dirac structure which includes the port variables on the boundary of this spatial domain. This …
Well-posed systems—the LTI case and beyond
This survey is an introduction to well-posed linear time-invariant (LTI) systems for non-
specialists. We recall the more general concept of a system node, classical and generalized …
specialists. We recall the more general concept of a system node, classical and generalized …
[HTML][HTML] Exponential sensitivity and turnpike analysis for linear quadratic optimal control of general evolution equations
We analyze the sensitivity of linear quadratic optimal control problems governed by general
evolution equations with bounded or admissible control operator. We show, that if the …
evolution equations with bounded or admissible control operator. We show, that if the …
First direct 3D visualisation of microstructural evolutions during sintering through X-ray computed microtomography
D Bernard, D Gendron, JM Heintz, S Bordère… - Acta Materialia, 2005 - Elsevier
X-ray computed microtomography (XCMT) has been applied to ceramic samples of different
materials to visualise, for the first time at this scale, real 3D microstructural evolutions during …
materials to visualise, for the first time at this scale, real 3D microstructural evolutions during …
[BOK][B] Stabilization of elastic systems by collocated feedback
By introducing a new stabilization methodology, this book characterizes the stability of a
certain class of systems. The stability (exponential, polynomial, or weaker) for the closed …
certain class of systems. The stability (exponential, polynomial, or weaker) for the closed …
Passive and conservative continuous-time impedance and scattering systems. Part I: Well-posed systems
OJ Staffans - Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems, 2002 - Springer
Let U be a Hilbert space. By an ℒ (U)-valued positive analytic function on the open right half-
plane we mean an analytic function which satisfies the condition. This function need not be …
plane we mean an analytic function which satisfies the condition. This function need not be …
Controllability and stability of a second-order hyperbolic system with collocated sensor/actuator
BZ Guo, YH Luo - Systems & Control Letters, 2002 - Elsevier
A second-order hyperbolic system with collocated sensor/actuator is considered. The
semigroup generation is shown for the closed-loop system under the feedback of a generic …
semigroup generation is shown for the closed-loop system under the feedback of a generic …
[HTML][HTML] Dissipation inequalities for the analysis of a class of PDEs
In this paper, we develop dissipation inequalities for a class of well-posed systems
described by partial differential equations (PDEs). We study passivity, reachability, induced …
described by partial differential equations (PDEs). We study passivity, reachability, induced …
Stokes-Dirac structures for distributed parameter port-Hamiltonian systems: an analytical viewpoint
In this paper we prove that a large class of linear evolution PDEs defines a Stokes-Dirac
structure over Hilbert spaces. To do so, the theory of boundary control system is employed …
structure over Hilbert spaces. To do so, the theory of boundary control system is employed …