The acceptance of mobile learning: a case study of 3D simulation android app for learning physics
This study explores the determinants that influence the acceptance of mobile learning, with a
case study of a 3D simulation Android app, as an innovative tool for learning physics for high …
case study of a 3D simulation Android app, as an innovative tool for learning physics for high …
Powerpoint®: It's Not" Yes" or" No"--It's" When" and" How".
LA Jordan, R Papp - Research in Higher Education Journal, 2014 - ERIC
A great deal of research has been done on the use of PowerPoint in the classroom. Most of it
has used student acceptance of PowerPoint as the measure of its effectiveness, and these …
has used student acceptance of PowerPoint as the measure of its effectiveness, and these …
Pengaruh e-satisfaction dan e-trust terhadap repurchase intention melalui e-word of mouth (e-wom) sebagai variabel intervening e-commerce buka lapak pada …
G Wijayanto, SE Komita - Jurnal Ekonomi KIAT, 2021 -
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh e-satisfaction dan e-trust terhadap
repurchase intention melalui e-word of mouth (E-WOM) sebagai variabel intervening e …
repurchase intention melalui e-word of mouth (E-WOM) sebagai variabel intervening e …
Bridging the digital divide and guiding the millennial generation's research and analysis
KM Dalton - Barry L. Rev., 2012 - HeinOnline
There is a divide between the Millennial generation law students and their Educators-
Millennials are digital natives and their Educators are digital immigrants.'This divide affects …
Millennials are digital natives and their Educators are digital immigrants.'This divide affects …
Karakteristik, potensi generasi milenial dan perspektif pengembangan pertanian presisi di Indonesia
J Sondakh, JHW Rembang - Forum Penelitian Agro …, 2020 -
Precision agriculture requires appropriate characters of human resources to implement it. It
is an integrated agricultural system based on information and production to increase …
is an integrated agricultural system based on information and production to increase …
Learning in Short Bursts: A Content Analysis of Professional Development Microlearning Videos
KK Fujii - 2023 -
YouTube viewers watch over a billion hours of videos monthly and have multiple choices on
professional development resources. User-generated content (UGC) on YouTube is created …
professional development resources. User-generated content (UGC) on YouTube is created …
Preferensi Media Sosial Generasi Milenial pada Tingkat Pengetahuan Calon Legislatif
NS Febriani - Nyimak: Journal of Communication, 2020 -
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menjawab permasalahan bagaimana preferensi media
sosial pada generasi milenial terhadap tingkat pengetahuan atas calon legislatif dalam …
sosial pada generasi milenial terhadap tingkat pengetahuan atas calon legislatif dalam …
Pola Konsumsi Media pada Generasi Milenial Kota Malang
F Qorib - Ultimacomm: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 2020 -
Media digital menggantikan media konvensional dengan cepat. Selain karena media digital
memudahkan pemenuhan informasi, juga karena generasi milenial lebih menyukai media …
memudahkan pemenuhan informasi, juga karena generasi milenial lebih menyukai media …
For whom the bell (really) tolls: A grounded theory of millennial academic supervisors' sensemaking of communitarian values as a springboard to enrich their …
ME Obmerga - International Journal of Leadership in Education, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
The emergence of millennials in strategic positions of academic organizations paved the
way for a peculiar execution of leadership practices due to their work ethic and generational …
way for a peculiar execution of leadership practices due to their work ethic and generational …
[BOOK][B] Millennial students' preferred learning style: Evaluation of collaborative learning versus traditional lecture methods
ML Roa - 2013 -
Background. Nurse educators are challenged with a new generation of students referred to
as the Millennial generation. These millennial students, who have different learning style …
as the Millennial generation. These millennial students, who have different learning style …