Rough sets in machine learning: a review

R Bello, R Falcon - Thriving Rough Sets: 10th Anniversary-Honoring …, 2017 - Springer
This chapter emphasizes on the role played by rough set theory (RST) within the broad field
of Machine Learning (ML). As a sound data analysis and knowledge discovery paradigm …

[PDF][PDF] Rough set approach in machine learning: a review

P Mahajan, R Kandwal, R Vijay - International Journal of Computer …, 2012 - Citeseer
ABSTRACT The Rough Set (RS) theory can be considered as a tool to reduce the input
dimensionality and to deal with vagueness and uncertainty in datasets. Over the years, there …

Software architecture of the da Vinci Research Kit

Z Chen, A Deguet, RH Taylor… - 2017 First IEEE …, 2017 -
The da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK) has been installed at over 25 research institutions across
the world, forming a research community sharing a common open-source research platform …

Finding rough and fuzzy-rough set reducts with SAT

R Jensen, A Tuson, Q Shen - Information Sciences, 2014 - Elsevier
Feature selection refers to the problem of selecting those input features that are most
predictive of a given outcome; a problem encountered in many areas such as machine …

[PDF][PDF] A survey of arabic text classification models

AMF Al Sbou, A Hussein, B Talal… - International Journal of …, 2018 -
There is a huge content of Arabic text available over online that requires an organization of
these texts. As result, here are many applications of natural languages processing (NLP) …

[PDF][PDF] A closer look at arabic text classification

MAR Abdeen, S AlBouq, A Elmahalawy… - International Journal of …, 2019 -
The world has witnessed an information explosion in the past two decades. Electronic
devices are now available in many varieties such as PCs, Laptops, book readers, mobile …

Rough information set and its applications in decision making

M Aggarwal - IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2017 -
The decision making in the real world is inevitably characterized with vagueness, and
imprecision due to incomplete knowledge. To this end, we combine the information set with …

[PDF][PDF] Arabic text classification review

R Elhassan, M Ahmed - evaluation, 2015 -
ABSTRACT A millions of the documents are available free and online. These documents
must be first organized systematically for its proper utilization to make a decision from it …

Feature selection algorithms using rough set theory

Y Caballero, D Alvarez, R Bello… - … on Intelligent Systems …, 2007 -
Rough sets theory has opened new trends for the development of the incomplete
information theory. Inside this one, the notion of reduct is a very significant one, but to obtain …

A new measure based in the rough set theory to estimate the training set quality

Y Caballero, R Bello, A Taboada… - … on symbolic and …, 2006 -
Due to the wide availability of huge amounts of data in electronic forms, the necessity of
turning such data into useful knowledge has increased. This is a proposal of learning from …