Potential non-edible oil resources as biodiesel feedstock: an Indian perspective
As the world confronts a reported food shortage and rising fuel prices, scientists around the
globe are scrambling to develop biofuel feedstocks that would not divert food crops to …
globe are scrambling to develop biofuel feedstocks that would not divert food crops to …
Exploring marginal and degraded lands for biomass and bioenergy production: An Indian scenario
Globally, the share of renewable energy is limited to 19% of the total energy consumption.
Out of which, 9.3% is shared by traditional biomass. In India, the installed capacity of energy …
Out of which, 9.3% is shared by traditional biomass. In India, the installed capacity of energy …
[HTML][HTML] A critical review of Pongamia pinnata multiple applications: from land remediation and carbon sequestration to socioeconomic benefits
Abstract Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre (Pongamia) is a tree native to Southeast Asia.
Recently, interest in Pongamia focused on its potential as a biofuel source as its seeds …
Recently, interest in Pongamia focused on its potential as a biofuel source as its seeds …
Assessment of seed and biochemical traits in neem germplasm for sustainable agriculture and industrial applications
R Garg, A Bhatt, A Kumar, YC Tripathi, R Kant - Industrial Crops and …, 2024 - Elsevier
The research was aimed to evaluate seed samples of altogether 29 neem genotypes
selected from various agro-ecological regions across India, focusing on their morphological …
selected from various agro-ecological regions across India, focusing on their morphological …
Propagation techniques, evaluation and improvement of the biodiesel plant, Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre—a review
N Mukta, Y Sreevalli - Industrial Crops and Products, 2010 - Elsevier
The leguminous tree Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre has been receiving considerable
attention since its role as a feed stock for biodiesel production was defined and confirmed …
attention since its role as a feed stock for biodiesel production was defined and confirmed …
Morphological Variations in Tamarindus indica LINN. Fruits and Seed Traits in the Different Agroecological Zones of Uganda
An investigation was carried out on variations in the morphological traits of Tamarindus
indica LINN. fruits (length, breadth, mass, and pulp mass) and seeds (number and mass) …
indica LINN. fruits (length, breadth, mass, and pulp mass) and seeds (number and mass) …
Evaluation of durum wheat experimental lines under different climate and water regime conditions of Iran
In the Mediterranean region, grain yield of durum wheat is frequently limited by both high
temperature and drought during grain filling. A total of six sets of paired trials, including 18 …
temperature and drought during grain filling. A total of six sets of paired trials, including 18 …
Variability assessment in Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre germplasm for biodiesel traits
N Mukta, I Murthy, P Sripal - Industrial Crops and Products, 2009 - Elsevier
Wide variability in oil content was observed in 75 germplasm accessions of Pongamia
pinnata (L.) Pierre collected from Telengana region of Andhra Pradesh, India. Out of these …
pinnata (L.) Pierre collected from Telengana region of Andhra Pradesh, India. Out of these …
Emergy-based sustainability analysis of bioenergy production from marginal and degraded lands of India
Analysing the sustainability of cultivating biomass and biofuel plant species on marginal and
degraded lands is essential for assessing the socio-economic and environmental …
degraded lands is essential for assessing the socio-economic and environmental …
Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Biodiesel Species Pongamia pinnata Accessions using AFLP and Three Endonuclease-AFLP
SS Sharma, MS Negi, P Sinha, K Kumar… - Plant Molecular Biology …, 2011 - Springer
Efficacy of two dominant molecular markers, namely, amplified fragment length
polymorphism (AFLP) and three endonuclease (TE)-AFLP, were assessed in 20 individuals …
polymorphism (AFLP) and three endonuclease (TE)-AFLP, were assessed in 20 individuals …