Potential non-edible oil resources as biodiesel feedstock: an Indian perspective

A Kumar, S Sharma - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2011 - Elsevier
As the world confronts a reported food shortage and rising fuel prices, scientists around the
globe are scrambling to develop biofuel feedstocks that would not divert food crops to …

Exploring marginal and degraded lands for biomass and bioenergy production: An Indian scenario

SA Edrisi, PC Abhilash - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016 - Elsevier
Globally, the share of renewable energy is limited to 19% of the total energy consumption.
Out of which, 9.3% is shared by traditional biomass. In India, the installed capacity of energy …

[HTML][HTML] A critical review of Pongamia pinnata multiple applications: from land remediation and carbon sequestration to socioeconomic benefits

E Degani, MVR Prasad, A Paradkar, R Pena… - Journal of …, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre (Pongamia) is a tree native to Southeast Asia.
Recently, interest in Pongamia focused on its potential as a biofuel source as its seeds …

Assessment of seed and biochemical traits in neem germplasm for sustainable agriculture and industrial applications

R Garg, A Bhatt, A Kumar, YC Tripathi, R Kant - Industrial Crops and …, 2024 - Elsevier
The research was aimed to evaluate seed samples of altogether 29 neem genotypes
selected from various agro-ecological regions across India, focusing on their morphological …

Propagation techniques, evaluation and improvement of the biodiesel plant, Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre—a review

N Mukta, Y Sreevalli - Industrial Crops and Products, 2010 - Elsevier
The leguminous tree Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre has been receiving considerable
attention since its role as a feed stock for biodiesel production was defined and confirmed …

Morphological Variations in Tamarindus indica LINN. Fruits and Seed Traits in the Different Agroecological Zones of Uganda

J Okello, JBL Okullo, G Eilu, P Nyeko… - International Journal of …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
An investigation was carried out on variations in the morphological traits of Tamarindus
indica LINN. fruits (length, breadth, mass, and pulp mass) and seeds (number and mass) …

Evaluation of durum wheat experimental lines under different climate and water regime conditions of Iran

R Mohammadi, D Sadeghzadeh… - Crop and Pasture …, 2011 - CSIRO Publishing
In the Mediterranean region, grain yield of durum wheat is frequently limited by both high
temperature and drought during grain filling. A total of six sets of paired trials, including 18 …

Variability assessment in Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre germplasm for biodiesel traits

N Mukta, I Murthy, P Sripal - Industrial Crops and Products, 2009 - Elsevier
Wide variability in oil content was observed in 75 germplasm accessions of Pongamia
pinnata (L.) Pierre collected from Telengana region of Andhra Pradesh, India. Out of these …

Emergy-based sustainability analysis of bioenergy production from marginal and degraded lands of India

SA Edrisi, SA Sahiba, B Chen, PC Abhilash - Ecological Modelling, 2022 - Elsevier
Analysing the sustainability of cultivating biomass and biofuel plant species on marginal and
degraded lands is essential for assessing the socio-economic and environmental …

Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Biodiesel Species Pongamia pinnata Accessions using AFLP and Three Endonuclease-AFLP

SS Sharma, MS Negi, P Sinha, K Kumar… - Plant Molecular Biology …, 2011 - Springer
Efficacy of two dominant molecular markers, namely, amplified fragment length
polymorphism (AFLP) and three endonuclease (TE)-AFLP, were assessed in 20 individuals …