Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement for symbolic model checking
The state explosion problem remains a major hurdle in applying symbolic model checking to
large hardware designs. State space abstraction, having been essential for verifying designs …
large hardware designs. State space abstraction, having been essential for verifying designs …
[PDF][PDF] Coverage estimation for symbolic model checking
Although model checking is an exhaustive formal verification method, a bug can still escape
detection if the erroneous behavior does not violate any verified property. We propose a …
detection if the erroneous behavior does not violate any verified property. We propose a …
Smart simulation using collaborative formal and simulation engines
We present Ketchum, a tool that was developed to improve the productivity of simulation-
based functional verification by providing two capabilities:(1) automatic test generation and …
based functional verification by providing two capabilities:(1) automatic test generation and …
Graph-based functional test program generation for pipelined processors
Functional verification is widely acknowledged as a major bottleneck in microprocessor
design. While early work on specification driven functional test program generation has …
design. While early work on specification driven functional test program generation has …
Specification-driven directed test generation for validation of pipelined processors
Functional validation is a major bottleneck in pipelined processor design due to the
combined effects of increasing design complexity and lack of efficient techniques for directed …
combined effects of increasing design complexity and lack of efficient techniques for directed …
SAT-based verification of safe Petri nets
S Ogata, T Tsuchiya, T Kikuno - … ATVA 2004, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, October …, 2004 - Springer
Bounded model checking has received recent attention as an efficient verification method.
The basic idea behind this new method is to reduce the model checking problem to the …
The basic idea behind this new method is to reduce the model checking problem to the …
Functional test generation using design and property decomposition techniques
HM Koo, P Mishra - ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing …, 2009 - dl.acm.org
Functional verification of microprocessors is one of the most complex and expensive tasks in
the current system-on-chip design methodology. Simulation using functional test vectors is …
the current system-on-chip design methodology. Simulation using functional test vectors is …
Functional test generation using property decompositions for validation of pipelined processors
HM Koo, P Mishra - Proceedings of the Design Automation & …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Functional validation is a major bottleneck in pipelined processor design. Simulation using
functional test vectors is the most widely used form of processor validation. While existing …
functional test vectors is the most widely used form of processor validation. While existing …
Automatic functional test program generation for pipelined processors using model checking
Formal techniques offer an opportunity to significantly reduce the cost of microprocessor
verification. We propose a model checking based approach to automatically generate …
verification. We propose a model checking based approach to automatically generate …
Property coverage in formal verification
YV Hoskote - US Patent 6,484,134, 2002 - Google Patents
One aspect of the invention is a coverage metric to identify that part of a state space Which is
covered by properties veri? ed by model checking. In each property, a signal is identi? ed (or …
covered by properties veri? ed by model checking. In each property, a signal is identi? ed (or …