A systematic literature review of techniques and metrics to reduce the cost of mutation testing
Historically, researchers have proposed and applied many techniques to reduce the cost of
mutation testing. It has become difficult to find all techniques and to understand the cost …
mutation testing. It has become difficult to find all techniques and to understand the cost …
Mutation testing advances: an analysis and survey
Mutation testing realizes the idea of using artificial defects to support testing activities.
Mutation is typically used as a way to evaluate the adequacy of test suites, to guide the …
Mutation is typically used as a way to evaluate the adequacy of test suites, to guide the …
An industrial application of mutation testing: Lessons, challenges, and research directions
Mutation analysis evaluates a testing or debugging technique by measuring how well it
detects mutants, which are systematically seeded, artificial faults. Mutation analysis is …
detects mutants, which are systematically seeded, artificial faults. Mutation analysis is …
Predictive mutation testing
Mutation testing is a powerful methodology for evaluating test suite quality. In mutation
testing, a large number of mutants are generated and executed against the test suite to …
testing, a large number of mutants are generated and executed against the test suite to …
An empirical study on mutation, statement and branch coverage fault revelation that avoids the unreliable clean program assumption
Many studies suggest using coverage concepts, such as branch coverage, as the starting
point of testing, while others as the most prominent test quality indicator. Yet the relationship …
point of testing, while others as the most prominent test quality indicator. Yet the relationship …
Transforming programs and tests in tandem for fault localization
Localizing failure-inducing code is essential for software debugging. Manual fault
localization can be quite tedious, error-prone, and time-consuming. Therefore, a huge body …
localization can be quite tedious, error-prone, and time-consuming. Therefore, a huge body …
Learning to construct better mutation faults
Mutation faults are the core of mutation testing and have been widely used in many other
software testing and debugging tasks. Hence, constructing high-quality mutation faults is …
software testing and debugging tasks. Hence, constructing high-quality mutation faults is …
Mitigating the effects of flaky tests on mutation testing
Mutation testing is widely used in research as a metric for evaluating the quality of test
suites. Mutation testing runs the test suite on generated mutants (variants of the code under …
suites. Mutation testing runs the test suite on generated mutants (variants of the code under …
Cerebro: Static subsuming mutant selection
Mutation testing research has indicated that a major part of its application cost is due to the
large number of low utility mutants that it introduces. Although previous research has …
large number of low utility mutants that it introduces. Although previous research has …
Mutation-based test-case prioritization in software evolution
During software evolution, to assure the software quality, test cases for an early version tend
to be reused by its latter versions. As a large number of test cases may aggregate during …
to be reused by its latter versions. As a large number of test cases may aggregate during …