Survey on recent trends towards generalized differential and boomerang uniformities
Differential cryptanalysis is a general form of cryptanalysis applicable primarily to block and
stream ciphers and cryptographic hash functions. The discovery of differential cryptanalysis …
stream ciphers and cryptographic hash functions. The discovery of differential cryptanalysis …
The c-Differential Uniformity and Boomerang Uniformity of Two Classes of Permutation Polynomials
The Difference Distribution Table (DDT) and the differential uniformity play a major role for
the design of substitution boxes in block ciphers, since they indicate the function's resistance …
the design of substitution boxes in block ciphers, since they indicate the function's resistance …
New genetic operators for develo** S-boxes with low boomerang uniformity
M Kang, M Wang - IEEE Access, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The boomerang uniformity measures the resistance of block ciphers to boomerang attacks
and has become an essential criterion of the substitution box (S-box). However, the S-box es …
and has become an essential criterion of the substitution box (S-box). However, the S-box es …
On permutation quadrinomials with boomerang uniformity 4 and the best-known nonlinearity
KH Kim, S Mesnager, JH Choe, DN Lee, S Lee… - Designs, Codes and …, 2022 - Springer
Motivated by recent works on the butterfly structure, particularly by its generalization
introduced by Canteaut et al.(IEEE Trans Inf Theory 63 (11): 7575–7591, 2017), we first …
introduced by Canteaut et al.(IEEE Trans Inf Theory 63 (11): 7575–7591, 2017), we first …
The differential spectrum and boomerang spectrum of a class of locally-APN functions
In this paper, we study the boomerang spectrum of the power map** F (x)= xk (q-1) over F
q 2, where q= pm, p is a prime, m is a positive integer and gcd (k, q+ 1)= 1. We first …
q 2, where q= pm, p is a prime, m is a positive integer and gcd (k, q+ 1)= 1. We first …
On permutation quadrinomials and 4-uniform BCT
Extending previous results, we study a class of general quadrinomials over the field of size 2
2m with odd m and characterize conditions under which they are permutations with 4 …
2m with odd m and characterize conditions under which they are permutations with 4 …
Determination of a class of permutation quadrinomials
Z Ding, ME Zieve - Proceedings of the London Mathematical …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
We determine all permutation polynomials over F q 2 F_q^2 of the form X r A (X q− 1)
X^rA(X^q-1) where, for some QQ that is a power of the characteristic of F q F_q, we have r≡ …
X^rA(X^q-1) where, for some QQ that is a power of the characteristic of F q F_q, we have r≡ …
Constructing permutation polynomials over Fq3 from bijections of PG (2, q)
L Qu, K Li - Finite Fields and Their Applications, 2024 - Elsevier
Over the past several years, there are numerous papers about permutation polynomials of
the form xrh (xq− 1) over F q 2. A bijection between the multiplicative subgroup μ q+ 1 of F q …
the form xrh (xq− 1) over F q 2. A bijection between the multiplicative subgroup μ q+ 1 of F q …
Classification of fractional projective permutations over finite fields
F Göloğlu - Finite Fields and Their Applications, 2022 - Elsevier
Classification of fractional projective permutations over finite fields - ScienceDirect Skip to
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Boomerang uniformity of a class of power maps
We consider the boomerang uniformity of an infinite class of (locally-APN) power maps and
show that their boomerang uniformity over the finite field F _ 2^ n F 2 n is 2 and 4, when n ≡ …
show that their boomerang uniformity over the finite field F _ 2^ n F 2 n is 2 and 4, when n ≡ …