[КНИГА][B] Ship motion control: course kee** and roll stabilisation using rudder and fins
T Perez - 2006 - books.google.com
engineers into a single volume whilst concentrating on two important research control
design problems: autopilots with rudder-roll stabilization and fin and combined rudder-fin …
design problems: autopilots with rudder-roll stabilization and fin and combined rudder-fin …
Antiwindup for stable linear systems with input saturation: an LMI-based synthesis
G Grimm, J Hatfield, I Postlethwaite… - … on Automatic control, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper considers closed-loop quadratic stability and L/sub 2/performance properties of
linear control systems subject to input saturation. More specifically, these properties are …
linear control systems subject to input saturation. More specifically, these properties are …
[КНИГА][B] Windup in control: its effects and their prevention
P Hippe - 2006 - books.google.com
Actuator saturation is probably the most frequent nonlinearity encountered in control
applications. Input saturation leads to controller windup, removable by structural …
applications. Input saturation leads to controller windup, removable by structural …
[КНИГА][B] Actuator saturation control
V Kapila, K Grigoriadis - 2002 - taylorfrancis.com
Compiling the most significant advances from nearly a decade of research, this reference
compares and evaluates a wide variety of techniques for the design, analysis, and …
compares and evaluates a wide variety of techniques for the design, analysis, and …
An antiwindup approach to enlarging domain of attraction for linear systems subject to actuator saturation
The article considers linear systems subject to actuator saturation. An antiwindup technique
is used to enlarge the domain of attraction of the closed-loop system under an a priori …
is used to enlarge the domain of attraction of the closed-loop system under an a priori …
Power quality and stability assessment of hybrid microgrid and electric vehicle through a novel transformation technique
In this study, a novel transformation technique based on combined AC and DC grid-based
hybrid microgrid and electric vehicle operation is proposed to offer better power quality and …
hybrid microgrid and electric vehicle operation is proposed to offer better power quality and …
A class of proportional-integral with anti-windup controllers for DC–DC buck power converters with saturating input
J Moreno-Valenzuela - … Transactions on Circuits and Systems II …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In dc-dc buck power converters, a control action which is negative or greater than one has
no physical meaning and is noncausal. For the sake of realism, the nonlinearity …
no physical meaning and is noncausal. For the sake of realism, the nonlinearity …
Adaptive GSA-based optimal tuning of PI controlled servo systems with reduced process parametric sensitivity, robust stability and controller robustness
This paper suggests a new generation of optimal PI controllers for a class of servo systems
characterized by saturation and dead zone static nonlinearities and second-order models …
characterized by saturation and dead zone static nonlinearities and second-order models …
A switching anti-windup design using multiple Lyapunov functions
This technical note proposes a switching anti-windup design, which aims to enlarge the
domain of attraction of the closed-loop system. Multiple anti-windup gains along with an …
domain of attraction of the closed-loop system. Multiple anti-windup gains along with an …
On the use of multi-loop circle criterion for saturating control synthesis
T Kiyama, T Iwasaki - Systems & Control Letters, 2000 - Elsevier
This paper is concerned with regional stabilization of linear time-invariant systems by
dynamic output feedback controllers subject to known bounds on the magnitudes of the …
dynamic output feedback controllers subject to known bounds on the magnitudes of the …