Microsaccadic rate and pupil size dynamics in pro-/anti-saccade preparation: the impact of intermixed vs. blocked trial administration
Prolonged fixation can lead to the generation of tiny and fast eye movements called
microsaccades, whose dynamics can be associated with higher cognitive mechanisms …
microsaccades, whose dynamics can be associated with higher cognitive mechanisms …
Saccades: Fundamentals and neural mechanisms
JE Pierce, BA Clementz, JE McDowell - Eye movement research: An …, 2019 - Springer
Saccadic eye movements allow humans to explore the visual environment, quickly moving
the fovea and attention to points of interest for detailed visual processing. Despite these …
the fovea and attention to points of interest for detailed visual processing. Despite these …
[HTML][HTML] Neural correlates of impaired response inhibition in the antisaccade task in Parkinson's disease
Deficits in response inhibition are a central feature of the highly prevalent dysexecutive
syndrome found in Parkinson's disease (PD). Such deficits are related to a range of common …
syndrome found in Parkinson's disease (PD). Such deficits are related to a range of common …
Modulation of cognitive control levels via manipulation of saccade trial-type probability assessed with event-related BOLD fMRI
JE Pierce, JE McDowell - Journal of Neurophysiology, 2016 - journals.physiology.org
Cognitive control supports flexible behavior adapted to meet current goals and can be
modeled through investigation of saccade tasks with varying cognitive demands. Basic …
modeled through investigation of saccade tasks with varying cognitive demands. Basic …
Back to basics: The effects of block vs. interleaved trial administration on pro-and anti-saccade performance
The pro and anti-saccade task (PAT) is a widely used tool in the study of overt and covert
attention with promising potential role in neurocognitive and psychiatric assessment …
attention with promising potential role in neurocognitive and psychiatric assessment …
Identifying stimuli that cue multiple responses triggers the congruency sequence effect independent of response conflict.
According to most accounts of executive control, resisting distraction requires enhancing
task-relevant processing, reducing task-irrelevant processing, or both. Consistent with this …
task-relevant processing, reducing task-irrelevant processing, or both. Consistent with this …
Effects of blocked vs. interleaved administration mode on saccade preparatory set revealed using pupillometry
N Ayala, E Niechwiej-Szwedo - Experimental brain research, 2021 - Springer
Eye movements have been used extensively to assess information processing and cognitive
function. However, significant variability in saccade performance has been observed, which …
function. However, significant variability in saccade performance has been observed, which …
Microsaccade rate activity during the preparation of pro-and antisaccades
Microsaccades belong to the category of fixational micromovements and may be crucial for
image stability on the retina. Eye movement paradigms typically require fixational control …
image stability on the retina. Eye movement paradigms typically require fixational control …
Facing competition: neural mechanisms underlying parallel programming of antisaccades and prosaccades
T Talanow, AM Kasparbauer, M Steffens, I Meyhöfer… - Brain and Cognition, 2016 - Elsevier
The antisaccade task is a prominent tool to investigate the response inhibition component of
cognitive control. Recent theoretical accounts explain performance in terms of parallel …
cognitive control. Recent theoretical accounts explain performance in terms of parallel …
Effects of preparation time and trial type probability on performance of anti-and pro-saccades
JE Pierce, JE McDowell - Acta Psychologica, 2016 - Elsevier
Cognitive control optimizes responses to relevant task conditions by balancing bottom-up
stimulus processing with top-down goal pursuit. It can be investigated using the ocular motor …
stimulus processing with top-down goal pursuit. It can be investigated using the ocular motor …