From anatomy to function: the role of the somatosensory cortex in emotional regulation
Since the pioneering work of Penfield and his colleagues in the 1930s, the somatosensory
cortex, which is located on the postcentral gyrus, has been known for its central role in …
cortex, which is located on the postcentral gyrus, has been known for its central role in …
Architectonic map** of the human brain beyond Brodmann
Brodmann has pioneered structural brain map**. He considered functional and
pathological criteria for defining cortical areas in addition to cytoarchitecture. Starting from …
pathological criteria for defining cortical areas in addition to cytoarchitecture. Starting from …
A multi-modal parcellation of human cerebral cortex
Understanding the amazingly complex human cerebral cortex requires a map (or
parcellation) of its major subdivisions, known as cortical areas. Making an accurate areal …
parcellation) of its major subdivisions, known as cortical areas. Making an accurate areal …
The organization of the human cerebral cortex estimated by intrinsic functional connectivity
Abstract Information processing in the cerebral cortex involves interactions among
distributed areas. Anatomical connectivity suggests that certain areas form local hierarchical …
distributed areas. Anatomical connectivity suggests that certain areas form local hierarchical …
The organization of the human cerebellum estimated by intrinsic functional connectivity
The cerebral cortex communicates with the cerebellum via polysynaptic circuits. Separate
regions of the cerebellum are connected to distinct cerebral areas, forming a complex …
regions of the cerebellum are connected to distinct cerebral areas, forming a complex …
The anatomical and functional specialization of the fusiform gyrus
KS Weiner, K Zilles - Neuropsychologia, 2016 - Elsevier
The fusiform gyrus (FG) is commonly included in anatomical atlases and is considered a key
structure for functionally-specialized computations of high-level vision such as face …
structure for functionally-specialized computations of high-level vision such as face …
Map** human cortical areas in vivo based on myelin content as revealed by T1-and T2-weighted MRI
Noninvasively map** the layout of cortical areas in humans is a continuing challenge for
neuroscience. We present a new method of map** cortical areas based on myelin content …
neuroscience. We present a new method of map** cortical areas based on myelin content …
The organization of the human striatum estimated by intrinsic functional connectivity
The striatum is connected to the cerebral cortex through multiple anatomical loops that
process sensory, limbic, and heteromodal information. Tract-tracing studies in the monkey …
process sensory, limbic, and heteromodal information. Tract-tracing studies in the monkey …
Brain templates and atlases
The core concept within the field of brain map** is the use of a standardized, or
“stereotaxic”, 3D coordinate frame for data analysis and reporting of findings from …
“stereotaxic”, 3D coordinate frame for data analysis and reporting of findings from …
ALE meta-analysis of action observation and imitation in the human brain
Over the last decade, many neuroimaging studies have assessed the human brain networks
underlying action observation and imitation using a variety of tasks and paradigms …
underlying action observation and imitation using a variety of tasks and paradigms …