Tamm Review: Postfire landscape management in frequent-fire conifer forests of the southwestern United States
The increasing incidence of wildfires across the southwestern United States (US) is altering
the contemporary forest management template within historically frequent-fire conifer forests …
the contemporary forest management template within historically frequent-fire conifer forests …
Tamm Review: Ecological principles to guide post-fire forest landscape management in the Inland Pacific and Northern Rocky Mountain regions
Post-fire landscapes are the frontline of forest ecosystem change. As such, they represent
opportunities to foster conditions that are better adapted to future climate and wildfires with …
opportunities to foster conditions that are better adapted to future climate and wildfires with …
Local forest structure variability increases resilience to wildfire in dry western US coniferous forests
A 'resilient'forest endures disturbance and is likely to persist. Resilience to wildfire may arise
from feedback between fire behaviour and forest structure in dry forest systems. Frequent fire …
from feedback between fire behaviour and forest structure in dry forest systems. Frequent fire …
First-entry wildfires can create opening and tree clump patterns characteristic of resilient forests
A century of fire suppression has left fire-dependent forests of the western United States
increasingly vulnerable to wildfire, drought, and insects. Forest managers are trying to …
increasingly vulnerable to wildfire, drought, and insects. Forest managers are trying to …
Rethinking fire‐adapted species in an altered fire regime
Novel combinations of fire regime and forest type are emerging in areas affected by climate
change, fire exclusion, and other stressors. Species interactions following wildfire in these …
change, fire exclusion, and other stressors. Species interactions following wildfire in these …
Detecting tree mortality with Landsat-derived spectral indices: Improving ecological accuracy by examining uncertainty
Satellite-derived fire severity metrics are a foundational tool used to estimate fire effects at
the landscape scale. Changes in surface characteristics permit reasonably accurate …
the landscape scale. Changes in surface characteristics permit reasonably accurate …
Wildfire and drought moderate the spatial elements of tree mortality
Background tree mortality is a complex process that requires large sample sizes and long
timescales to disentangle the suite of ecological factors that collectively contribute to tree …
timescales to disentangle the suite of ecological factors that collectively contribute to tree …
Characterizing ground and surface fuels across Sierra Nevada forests shortly after the 2012–2016 drought
The 2012–2016 hotter drought in the Sierra Nevada, California, USA led to the mortality of
millions of trees. This disruption to the disturbance regime is an example of how climate …
millions of trees. This disruption to the disturbance regime is an example of how climate …
Mesic mixed-conifer forests are resilient to both historical high-severity fire and contemporary reburns in the US Northern Rocky Mountains
High-severity fires and short-interval reburns strongly influence forest structure and
composition and may overwhelm forest ecosystem resilience and catalyze persistent shifts …
composition and may overwhelm forest ecosystem resilience and catalyze persistent shifts …
When do contemporary wildfires restore forest structures in the Sierra Nevada?
Background Following a century of fire suppression in western North America, managers
use forest restoration treatments to reduce fuel loads and reintroduce key processes like fire …
use forest restoration treatments to reduce fuel loads and reintroduce key processes like fire …