One-and two-axis squeezing via laser coupling in an atomic Fermi-Hubbard model
Generation, storage, and utilization of correlated many-body quantum states are crucial
objectives of future quantum technologies and metrology. Such states can be generated by …
objectives of future quantum technologies and metrology. Such states can be generated by …
Spin-squeezed states for metrology
Spin-squeezing is a well-established “quantum technology,” where well-designed
correlations in an ensemble of two-level systems reduce the statistical uncertainty of …
correlations in an ensemble of two-level systems reduce the statistical uncertainty of …
Multiparameter quantum metrology and mode entanglement with spatially split nonclassical spin ensembles
We identify the multiparameter sensitivity of entangled spin states, such as spin-squeezed
and Dicke states that are spatially distributed into several addressable spatial modes …
and Dicke states that are spatially distributed into several addressable spatial modes …
One-axis twisting as a method of generating many-body Bell correlations
We demonstrate that the one-axis twisting (OAT), a versatile method of creating nonclassical
states of bosonic qubits, is a powerful source of many-body Bell correlations. We develop a …
states of bosonic qubits, is a powerful source of many-body Bell correlations. We develop a …
Exploring spin squeezing in the Mott insulating regime: Role of anisotropy, inhomogeneity, and hole do**
Spin squeezing in systems with single-particle control is a well-established resource of
modern quantum technology. Applied in an optical lattice clock it can reduce the statistical …
modern quantum technology. Applied in an optical lattice clock it can reduce the statistical …
Generation of scalable many-body Bell correlations in spin chains with short-range two-body interactions
Dynamical generation of strong and scalable quantum resources, like many-body
entanglement and Bell correlations, in spin-1/2 chains is possible with all-to-all interactions …
entanglement and Bell correlations, in spin-1/2 chains is possible with all-to-all interactions …
Multipartite entangled states in dipolar quantum simulators
The scalable production of multipartite entangled states in ensembles of qubits is a crucial
function of quantum devices, as such states are an essential resource both for fundamental …
function of quantum devices, as such states are an essential resource both for fundamental …
Enhancing quantum state tomography via resource-efficient attention-based neural networks
In this paper, we propose a method for denoising experimental density matrices that
combines standard quantum state tomography with an attention-based neural network …
combines standard quantum state tomography with an attention-based neural network …
Accelerating many-body entanglement generation by dipolar interactions in the Bose-Hubbard model
The spin-squeezing protocols allow the dynamical generation of massively correlated
quantum many-body states, which can be utilized in entanglement-enhanced metrology and …
quantum many-body states, which can be utilized in entanglement-enhanced metrology and …
Producing and storing spin-squeezed states and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states in a one-dimensional optical lattice
We study the dynamical generation and storage of spin-squeezed states, as well as more
entangled states up to macroscopic superpositions, in a system composed by a few ultracold …
entangled states up to macroscopic superpositions, in a system composed by a few ultracold …