Reinforcement learning for feedback-enabled cyber resilience
The rapid growth in the number of devices and their connectivity has enlarged the attack
surface and made cyber systems more vulnerable. As attackers become increasingly …
surface and made cyber systems more vulnerable. As attackers become increasingly …
Threats to training: A survey of poisoning attacks and defenses on machine learning systems
Machine learning (ML) has been universally adopted for automated decisions in a variety of
fields, including recognition and classification applications, recommendation systems …
fields, including recognition and classification applications, recommendation systems …
Robust reinforcement learning on state observations with learned optimal adversary
We study the robustness of reinforcement learning (RL) with adversarially perturbed state
observations, which aligns with the setting of many adversarial attacks to deep …
observations, which aligns with the setting of many adversarial attacks to deep …
Rorl: Robust offline reinforcement learning via conservative smoothing
Offline reinforcement learning (RL) provides a promising direction to exploit massive amount
of offline data for complex decision-making tasks. Due to the distribution shift issue, current …
of offline data for complex decision-making tasks. Due to the distribution shift issue, current …
Corruption-robust offline reinforcement learning with general function approximation
We investigate the problem of corruption robustness in offline reinforcement learning (RL)
with general function approximation, where an adversary can corrupt each sample in the …
with general function approximation, where an adversary can corrupt each sample in the …
Policy teaching via environment poisoning: Training-time adversarial attacks against reinforcement learning
We study a security threat to reinforcement learning where an attacker poisons the learning
environment to force the agent into executing a target policy chosen by the attacker. As a …
environment to force the agent into executing a target policy chosen by the attacker. As a …
Trustworthy reinforcement learning against intrinsic vulnerabilities: Robustness, safety, and generalizability
A trustworthy reinforcement learning algorithm should be competent in solving challenging
real-world problems, including {robustly} handling uncertainties, satisfying {safety} …
real-world problems, including {robustly} handling uncertainties, satisfying {safety} …
Adversarial policy learning in two-player competitive games
In a two-player deep reinforcement learning task, recent work shows an attacker could learn
an adversarial policy that triggers a target agent to perform poorly and even react in an …
an adversarial policy that triggers a target agent to perform poorly and even react in an …
Efficient adversarial attacks on online multi-agent reinforcement learning
Due to the broad range of applications of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL),
understanding the effects of adversarial attacks against MARL model is essential for the safe …
understanding the effects of adversarial attacks against MARL model is essential for the safe …
Explicable reward design for reinforcement learning agents
We study the design of explicable reward functions for a reinforcement learning agent while
guaranteeing that an optimal policy induced by the function belongs to a set of target …
guaranteeing that an optimal policy induced by the function belongs to a set of target …