Paleoclimate proxies for cyclostratigraphy: Comparative analysis using a Lower Triassic marine section in South China

M Li, C Huang, J Ogg, Y Zhang, L Hinnov, H Wu… - Earth-Science …, 2019 - Elsevier
Multiple proxies for paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental change within sedimentary
sequences have been developed; but understanding their relationships and their relative …

Short-term sea-level changes in a greenhouse world—A view from the Cretaceous

B Sames, M Wagreich, JE Wendler, BU Haq… - Palaeogeography …, 2016 - Elsevier
This review provides a synopsis of ongoing research and our understanding of the
fundamentals of sea-level change today and in the geologic record, especially as illustrated …

Acycle: Time-series analysis software for paleoclimate research and education

M Li, L Hinnov, L Kump - Computers & Geosciences, 2019 - Elsevier
Recognition and interpretation of paleoclimate signals in sedimentary proxy datasets are
time consuming and subjective. Acycle is a comprehensive and easy-to-use software …

The cretaceous period

AS Gale, J Mutterlose, S Batenburg, FM Gradstein… - Geologic time scale …, 2020 - Elsevier
The breakup of the former Pangea supercontinent culminated in the modern drifting
continents. Increased rifting caused the establishment of the Atlantic Ocean in the middle …

[HTML][HTML] Advances in the basic study of lacustrine shale evolution and shale oil accumulation

LI Maowen, JIN Zhijun, D Mingzhe, MA **aoxiao… - 石油实验地质, 2020 -
This manuscript provides a review of the recent advances in the study of fundamental
processes and geological drivers involved in the lacustrine shale deposition, burial …

Stratigraphy: the modern synthesis

AD Miall - Stratigraphy: A modern synthesis, 2022 - Springer
Stratigraphy is defined as the study of layered rocks. In the context of sedimentary geology in
general, and of this book in particular, stratigraphy is the discipline that pulls everything …

Milankovitch cycles in banded iron formations constrain the Earth–Moon system 2.46 billion years ago

ML Lantink, JHFL Davies, M Ovtcharova… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 -
The long-term history of the Earth–Moon system as reconstructed from the geological record
remains unclear when based on fossil growth bands and tidal laminations. A possibly more …

[HTML][HTML] 陆相页岩形成演化与页岩油富集机理研究进展

黎茂稳, 金之钧, 董明哲, 马晓潇, **志明, 蒋启贵… - 石油实验地质, 2020 -
在综述国内外研究进展的基础上, 探讨了进一步深化陆相页岩油形成演化与富集机理研究需要
解决的基础科学问题. 细粒沉积学研究表明, 全球气候变化和盆地构造演化对富有机质页岩形成 …

Astronomical calibration of the Ypresian timescale: implications for seafloor spreading rates and the chaotic behavior of the solar system?

T Westerhold, U Röhl, T Frederichs, C Agnini… - Climate of the …, 2017 -
To fully understand the global climate dynamics of the warm early Eocene with its
reoccurring hyperthermal events, an accurate high-fidelity age model is required. The …

Autogenic sedimentation in clastic stratigraphy

EA Hajek, KM Straub - Annual Review of Earth and Planetary …, 2017 -
Internally generated, or autogenic, terrestrial and marine sediment-transport dynamics can
produce depositional patterns similar to those associated with climatic, tectonic, or sea level …