Creative industry digital transformation case study: Market reorganization strategy and platform
HG Lee, SY Lee - Journal of Digital Convergence, 2020 - koreascience.kr
In the digital world, creative industries such as music, movies, and drama have been the
most impacted by digital transformation. As these contents were converted to a digital format …
most impacted by digital transformation. As these contents were converted to a digital format …
Understanding the intentions behind illegal downloading: A comparative study of American and Korean college students
The purpose of this study is to examine what factors predict college students' intentions to
download digital content through unauthorized peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing sites. This …
download digital content through unauthorized peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing sites. This …
[KNIHA][B] The economics of the popular music industry
CHC Byun… - 2016 - Springer
Music entertains us, influences us, and shapes our lives. From the message to the medium
to the physical experience of listening to a live performance, music has charms to soothe the …
to the physical experience of listening to a live performance, music has charms to soothe the …
Academic studies on the effect of file-sharing on the recorded music industry: A literature review
VR Grassmuck - Available at SSRN 1749579, 2010 - papers.ssrn.com
Is file-sharing responsible for the slump in recorded music sales or does it create demand?
The empirical research literature is inconclusive. What has clearly emerged is that there are …
The empirical research literature is inconclusive. What has clearly emerged is that there are …
Resha** the music distribution model: An Itunes Opportunity
O Small - Journal of Media Business Studies, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
Many experts believe that subscription services are the last great hope for the music
recording industry; however, the underwhelming success of existing subscription services …
recording industry; however, the underwhelming success of existing subscription services …
The potential effect of VOD on the sequential process of theatrical movies
SH Nam, BH Chang, JY Park - International Journal of Arts …, 2015 - search.proquest.com
This study analyzes the potential effect of VODs as new distribution channels on the film
sequential process by including both IPTV and Internet VOD in the hypothetical sequential …
sequential process by including both IPTV and Internet VOD in the hypothetical sequential …
Decentralized e-learning marketplace: Managing authorship and tracking access to learning materials using blockchain
The difficulty in protecting and enforcing Intellectual Property (IP) rights has been a major
obstacle to sharing intellectual works in digital forms. In this work, we present a prototype …
obstacle to sharing intellectual works in digital forms. In this work, we present a prototype …
[KNIHA][B] Peer-to-Peer-Geschäftsmodelle zur Absicherung privater Risiken
T Zwack - 2017 - Springer
Sehr lange Zeit arbeitete ich als Unternehmensberater für die Versicherungswirtschaft und
war dementsprechend viel auf Reisen. Meist ging es am Montagmorgen mit dem Taxi zum …
war dementsprechend viel auf Reisen. Meist ging es am Montagmorgen mit dem Taxi zum …
Probabilistic and logic-based modelling of harmony
Many computational models of music fail to capture essential aspects of the high-level
musical structure and context, and this limits their usefulness, particularly for musically …
musical structure and context, and this limits their usefulness, particularly for musically …
The MPEG interactive music application format standard [standards in a nutshell]
The music industry is going through a transformation, and new interactive music services
have emerged. It is envisaged that this new concept of digital music content will dominate …
have emerged. It is envisaged that this new concept of digital music content will dominate …