The relationship of trust and dependence
CE Patton, CD Wickens - Ergonomics, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
The concepts of automation trust and dependence have often been viewed as closely
related and on occasion, have been conflated in the research community. Yet, trust is a …
related and on occasion, have been conflated in the research community. Yet, trust is a …
Explainable artificial intelligence: Evaluating the objective and subjective impacts of xai on human-agent interaction
Intelligent agents must be able to communicate intentions and explain their decision-making
processes to build trust, foster confidence, and improve human-agent team dynamics …
processes to build trust, foster confidence, and improve human-agent team dynamics …
From trust in automation to decision neuroscience: applying cognitive neuroscience methods to understand and improve interaction decisions involved in human …
Human automation interaction (HAI) systems have thus far failed to live up to expectations
mainly because human users do not always interact with the automation appropriately. Trust …
mainly because human users do not always interact with the automation appropriately. Trust …
Evaluating effects of user experience and system transparency on trust in automation
Existing research assessing human operators' trust in automation and robots has primarily
examined trust as a steady-state variable, with little emphasis on the evolution of trust over …
examined trust as a steady-state variable, with little emphasis on the evolution of trust over …
[KNIHA][B] Engineering psychology and human performance
Forming connections between human performance and design, this new edition of
Engineering Psychology and Human Performance examines human–machine interaction …
Engineering Psychology and Human Performance examines human–machine interaction …
Information processing
CD Wickens, CM Carswell - Handbook of human factors and …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Information processing lies at the heart of human performance. This chapter describe the
characteristics of the different important stages of information processing, from perception of …
characteristics of the different important stages of information processing, from perception of …
Complacency and automation bias in the use of imperfect automation
Objective We examine the effects of two different kinds of decision-aiding automation errors
on human–automation interaction (HAI), occurring at the first failure following repeated …
on human–automation interaction (HAI), occurring at the first failure following repeated …
Secondary task engagement and vehicle automation–Comparing the effects of different automation levels in an on-road experiment
Recent and upcoming advances in vehicle automation are likely to change the role of the
driver from one of actively controlling a vehicle to one of monitoring the behaviour of an …
driver from one of actively controlling a vehicle to one of monitoring the behaviour of an …
Changing the means of managerial work: effects of automated decision support systems on personnel selection tasks
To enhance the quality and efficiency of information processing and decision-making,
automation based on artificial intelligence and machine learning has increasingly been …
automation based on artificial intelligence and machine learning has increasingly been …
Towards balancing preference and performance through adaptive personalized explainability
As robots and digital assistants are deployed in the real world, these agents must be able to
communicate their decision-making criteria to build trust, improve human-robot teaming, and …
communicate their decision-making criteria to build trust, improve human-robot teaming, and …