Forms of implementation and challenges of PBL in engineering education: a review of literature
During the last 40 years, problem-and project-based learning (PBL) has been widely
adopted in engineering education because of its expected effectiveness in develo** …
adopted in engineering education because of its expected effectiveness in develo** …
Integrated project-based learning (IPBL) implementation for first year chemical engineering student: DIY hydraulic jack project
Implementation of student-centered learning has shown wide global acceptance within
institutes of higher learning. Some methods, such as active learning, project-based learning …
institutes of higher learning. Some methods, such as active learning, project-based learning …
Strategies for project based learning during the pandemic: The benefits of reflective learning approach
This study explored students' experiences in online learning using a project-based learning.
The exploratory approach was used with postmortem methods, self-assessment, and …
The exploratory approach was used with postmortem methods, self-assessment, and …
Penetration for cooperative learning in engineering education: A systematic literature review
This full “research” paper presents the results of a systematic literature review that
investigates the penetration of cooperative learning pedagogy in engineering education …
investigates the penetration of cooperative learning pedagogy in engineering education …
[HTML][HTML] Integration of chemical engineering skills in the curriculum of a master course in industrial engineering
Promoting new teaching methodologies is essential to improve the participation, motivation,
interest, and results of students in all educational stages. In this sense, flipped classroom …
interest, and results of students in all educational stages. In this sense, flipped classroom …
Improving soft skills through an interdisciplinary approach in a realistic context between education and CS students in an HCI course
Contribution: Prior studies on pedagogical methodologies to acquire soft skills have shown
that develo** collaborative tasks produces positive impact in students' abilities. In this …
that develo** collaborative tasks produces positive impact in students' abilities. In this …
Collaboration, Communication, Curiosity and Critical Thinking: the 4 Cs of Develo** Teamwork in Chinese STEM Students
The need for soft skills to succeed in STEM (science, technology, engineering and
mathematics) has been clearly established. Key soft skills for the 21st century include the …
mathematics) has been clearly established. Key soft skills for the 21st century include the …
A case study in class user interface design of problem-based learning modeling (uidpbl)
Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a student oriented learning method that using real-life
practical problems to start the learning process in order to encourage problem solving skills …
practical problems to start the learning process in order to encourage problem solving skills …
Assessing Wellbeing and Soft Skills of Software Developers and Students in the Context of Working from Home during the COVID-19 era
Derived from COVID-19 pandemic remote work is now a trend, involving new skills and
variations on developers' wellbeing. Current students are going to live this new era in the …
variations on developers' wellbeing. Current students are going to live this new era in the …
J Torres-Liñán, MA Rodriguez-Cano… - ICERI2020 …, 2020 -
Chemical Engineer is a specialised technician who focussed their work in production
processes in the field of Chemical Industry and related sectors. Their tasks include design …
processes in the field of Chemical Industry and related sectors. Their tasks include design …