Application of graph theory for identifying connectivity patterns in human brain networks: a systematic review
Background: Analysis of the human connectome using functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) started in the mid-1990s and attracted increasing attention in attempts to …
imaging (fMRI) started in the mid-1990s and attracted increasing attention in attempts to …
[HTML][HTML] Quantitative map** of the brain's structural connectivity using diffusion MRI tractography: A review
Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) tractography is an advanced imaging
technique that enables in vivo reconstruction of the brain's white matter connections at …
technique that enables in vivo reconstruction of the brain's white matter connections at …
GRETNA: a graph theoretical network analysis toolbox for imaging connectomics
Recent studies have suggested that the brain's structural and functional networks (ie,
connectomics) can be constructed by various imaging technologies (eg, EEG/MEG; …
connectomics) can be constructed by various imaging technologies (eg, EEG/MEG; …
Small-world human brain networks: perspectives and challenges
Modelling the human brain as a complex network has provided a powerful mathematical
framework to characterize the structural and functional architectures of the brain. In the past …
framework to characterize the structural and functional architectures of the brain. In the past …
Modular segregation of structural brain networks supports the development of executive function in youth
The human brain is organized into large-scale functional modules that have been shown to
evolve in childhood and adolescence. However, it remains unknown whether the underlying …
evolve in childhood and adolescence. However, it remains unknown whether the underlying …
[HTML][HTML] Native language differences in the structural connectome of the human brain
Is the neuroanatomy of the language structural connectome modulated by the life-long
experience of speaking a specific language? The current study compared the brain white …
experience of speaking a specific language? The current study compared the brain white …
Annual Research Review: Infant development, autism, and ADHD–early pathways to emerging disorders
Background Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) are two of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders, with a high degree of …
(ADHD) are two of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders, with a high degree of …
Complex brain network analysis and its applications to brain disorders: a survey
It is well known that most brain disorders are complex diseases, such as Alzheimer's
disease (AD) and schizophrenia (SCZ). In general, brain regions and their interactions can …
disease (AD) and schizophrenia (SCZ). In general, brain regions and their interactions can …
Age‐related changes in the topological organization of the white matter structural connectome across the human lifespan
Lifespan is a dynamic process with remarkable changes in brain structure and function.
Previous neuroimaging studies have indicated age‐related microstructural changes in …
Previous neuroimaging studies have indicated age‐related microstructural changes in …
Functional and structural brain network development in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent childhood neurodevelopmental
disorder. Given the profound brain changes that occur during childhood and adolescence, it …
disorder. Given the profound brain changes that occur during childhood and adolescence, it …