Sustaining enhancement of learning outcomes across digital platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review
The spread of COVID-19 has led to the closure of all educational institutions and a complete
shift to distance learning using digital platforms, which succeeded in playing a major role in …
shift to distance learning using digital platforms, which succeeded in playing a major role in …
Acceptance of a flipped classroom to improve university students' learning: An empirical study on the TAM model and the unified theory of acceptance and use of …
IY Alyoussef - Heliyon, 2022 - cell.com
Higher education has given the flipped classroom a lot of attention as a result of its
pedagogical success. As a result of the adoption of social media, smartphones, and …
pedagogical success. As a result of the adoption of social media, smartphones, and …
Advance organizers in flipped classroom via e-learning management system and the promotion of integrated science process skills
Flipped Classroom (FC) has been considerably investigated in research and practice
contexts because of the capacity it assumes to have in enhancing learners' outcomes …
contexts because of the capacity it assumes to have in enhancing learners' outcomes …
Students' performance in interactive environments: an intelligent model
Modern approaches in education technology, which make use of advanced resources such
as electronic books, infographics, and mobile applications, are progressing to improve …
as electronic books, infographics, and mobile applications, are progressing to improve …
The role of metacognition in promoting deep learning in MOOCs during COVID-19 pandemic
In many nations affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the situation in higher education
institutions has changed. During the pandemic, these institutions have introduced numerous …
institutions has changed. During the pandemic, these institutions have introduced numerous …
The effect of project-based learning in enhancing creativity and skills of arts among kindergarten student teachers
AIM Elfeky, SM Alharbi… - Journal of Positive School …, 2022 -
Project-based learning (PBL) is frequently regarded as a viable alternative to traditional
lecturer-led teaching. Meanwhile, creativity has been regarded as a critical skill for the …
lecturer-led teaching. Meanwhile, creativity has been regarded as a critical skill for the …
Develo** skills of fashion design by augmented reality technology in higher education
Little studies have been conducted on the question of the use of augmented reality
technology in the education field. The effects of augmented reality technology on the …
technology in the education field. The effects of augmented reality technology on the …
The use of data analytics technique in learning management system to develop fashion design skills and technology acceptance
Data analytics technique in education provides unparalleled opportunities in the era of e-
learning platforms to support students. In this context, learning management system (LMS) …
learning platforms to support students. In this context, learning management system (LMS) …
The effect of big data technologies usage on social competence
The learning management system is a digital environment that enables the tracking of
learner activities, allowing special forms of data from the academic context to be explored …
learner activities, allowing special forms of data from the academic context to be explored …
Effectiveness of a proposed training program in develo** twenty-first century skills and creative teaching skills among female student teachers, specializing in early …
ESAH Ahmed, SM Alharbi, AI Elfeky - Journal of Positive School …, 2022 -
The research aimed to reveal the effectiveness of a proposed training program in
develo** twenty-first century skills and creative teaching skills among female student …
develo** twenty-first century skills and creative teaching skills among female student …