Soil microbiome: a key player for conservation of soil health under changing climate
Maintenance of soil health is central to agricultural sustainability and a key factor that reflects
the productivity of agro ecosystems. However, at present the soil resources are under severe …
the productivity of agro ecosystems. However, at present the soil resources are under severe …
Climate change effects on plant-soil feedbacks and consequences for biodiversity and functioning of terrestrial ecosystems
Plant-soil feedbacks (PSFs) are interactions among plants, soil organisms, and abiotic soil
conditions that influence plant performance, plant species diversity, and community …
conditions that influence plant performance, plant species diversity, and community …
Lags in the response of mountain plant communities to climate change
Rapid climatic changes and increasing human influence at high elevations around the world
will have profound impacts on mountain biodiversity. However, forecasts from statistical …
will have profound impacts on mountain biodiversity. However, forecasts from statistical …
Adjusting the lens of invasion biology to focus on the impacts of climate-driven range shifts
As Earth's climate rapidly changes, species range shifts are considered key to species
persistence. However, some range-shifting species will alter community structure and …
persistence. However, some range-shifting species will alter community structure and …
Where, when and how plant–soil feedback matters in a changing world
It is increasingly acknowledged that plant–soil feedbacks may play an important role in
driving the composition of plant communities and functioning of terrestrial ecosystems …
driving the composition of plant communities and functioning of terrestrial ecosystems …
Direct and indirect effects of climate change on soil microbial and soil microbial‐plant interactions: What lies ahead?
Global change is altering species distributions and thus interactions among organisms.
Organisms live in concert with thousands of other species, some beneficial, some …
Organisms live in concert with thousands of other species, some beneficial, some …
A conceptual framework for range-expanding species that track human-induced environmental change
For many species, human-induced environmental changes are important indirect drivers of
range expansion into new regions. We argue that it is important to distinguish the range …
range expansion into new regions. We argue that it is important to distinguish the range …
Plant–soil feedbacks: the past, the present and future challenges
Plant–soil feedbacks is becoming an important concept for explaining vegetation dynamics,
the invasiveness of introduced exotic species in new habitats and how terrestrial …
the invasiveness of introduced exotic species in new habitats and how terrestrial …
The role of biotic interactions in sha** distributions and realised assemblages of species: implications for species distribution modelling
Predicting which species will occur together in the future, and where, remains one of the
greatest challenges in ecology, and requires a sound understanding of how the abiotic and …
greatest challenges in ecology, and requires a sound understanding of how the abiotic and …
Interplay of biotic and abiotic factors shapes tree seedling growth and root-associated microbial communities
Root-associated microbes can alleviate plant abiotic stresses, thus potentially supporting
adaptation to a changing climate or to novel environments during range expansion. While …
adaptation to a changing climate or to novel environments during range expansion. While …