[HTML][HTML] Experimental analysis of the fire-induced effects on the physical, mechanical, and hydraulic properties of slo** pyroclastic soils
D Peduto, L Iervolino, V Foresta - Geosciences, 2022 - mdpi.com
The paper investigates the changes in the physical, mechanical, and hydraulic properties of
coarse-grained pyroclastic soils, considered under both wildfire-burned and laboratory …
coarse-grained pyroclastic soils, considered under both wildfire-burned and laboratory …
Clues of wildfire-induced geotechnical changes in volcanic soils affected by post-fire slope instabilities
Wildfires can significantly affect mountain hillslopes through the combustion of trees and
shrubs and changes in soil properties. The type and magnitude of the associated post-fire …
shrubs and changes in soil properties. The type and magnitude of the associated post-fire …
Role of hydrophobic sand particle granularity on water droplet post-impact dynamics
M Movasat, A De La Cruz, I Tomac - International Journal of Multiphase …, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper investigates, experimentally and theoretically, the effects of sand particle size
and hydrophobicity of a water drop impacting horizontal and inclined surfaces within a …
and hydrophobicity of a water drop impacting horizontal and inclined surfaces within a …
Effect of data availability and pedotransfer estimates on water flow modelling in wildfire-affected soils
Understanding the impact of wildfires on soils exposed to fire is critical, especially in the
current climate scenario, where an increase in the occurrence of wildfires is expected. Near …
current climate scenario, where an increase in the occurrence of wildfires is expected. Near …
Wildfire burn severity and post-wildfire time impact mechanical and hydraulic properties of forest soils
Vegetation contributes to the overall slope stability and is recognized as an environmentally
friendly nature-based solution. Wildfires burn and denude vegetated slopes, thus increasing …
friendly nature-based solution. Wildfires burn and denude vegetated slopes, thus increasing …
Hydrogeochemical Responses of MTMS-Coated Capillary Cover under Heavy Rainfalls
To limit the oxidation of waste rocks that originates from mining operations and the
subsequent leaching of acidic solutions with high concentration of metal ions, a tailing–rock …
subsequent leaching of acidic solutions with high concentration of metal ions, a tailing–rock …
Synergistic effects of density, gradation, particle size, and particle shape on the water entry pressure of hydrophobized sands
This paper examines the specific role and interdependencies between soil density, particle
size, particle shape, and gradation on the water entry pressure of hydrophobized sands. The …
size, particle shape, and gradation on the water entry pressure of hydrophobized sands. The …
Kinematics of Post-Wildfire Debris Flow Initiation Mechanism: Impact of Hydrophobic Layer Spatial Variability and Particle Size
M Movasat, I Tomac - Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2024 - cdnsciencepub.com
Post-wildfire debris flow events have been more frequent due to climate change and
increased wildfire adversity. Changes in non-cohesive soil hydrophobicity, burn, and …
increased wildfire adversity. Changes in non-cohesive soil hydrophobicity, burn, and …
Hysteretic water-retention behaviour of unsaturated hydrophobised soils
Hydrophobised soils found in the superficial region of earthen infrastructure can affect the
hydrological processes of these structures. The hysteretic water-retention curve (WRC) …
hydrological processes of these structures. The hysteretic water-retention curve (WRC) …
The role of wildfires in the recovery strategy for the endangered southern California steelhead
MH Capelli - 2024 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
ABSTRACT Southern California steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) occupy wildfire-prone
watersheds from the Santa Maria River in Santa Barbara County to the Tijuana River at the …
watersheds from the Santa Maria River in Santa Barbara County to the Tijuana River at the …