The tooth: An analogue for biomimetic materials design and processing

VP Thompson - Dental Materials, 2020 - Elsevier
Objective Overview the development of human tooth; enamel, dentoenamel junction and
dentin in regard to hierarchical structure property relationships and how these component …

New visions of dental tissue research: tooth development, chemistry, and structure

TM Smith, P Tafforeau - Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Teeth are one of the best preserved and most commonly recovered elements in primate
fossil assemblages. Taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic hypotheses often rely on …

An early modern human presence in Sumatra 73,000–63,000 years ago

KE Westaway, J Louys, RD Awe, MJ Morwood… - Nature, 2017 -
Genetic evidence for anatomically modern humans (AMH) out of Africa before 75 thousand
years ago (ka) and in island southeast Asia (ISEA) before 60 ka (93–61 ka) predates …

Loss of surface enamel after bracket debonding: an in-vivo and ex-vivo evaluation

HB Pont, M Özcan, B Bagis, Y Ren - American Journal of Orthodontics and …, 2010 - Elsevier
INTRODUCTION: The objective of this study was to evaluate the surface enamel after
bracket debonding and residual resin removal. METHODS: Thirty patients (female, 20; male …

Dental tissue proportions and enamel thickness in Neandertal and modern human molars

AJ Olejniczak, TM Smith, RNM Feeney… - Journal of human …, 2008 - Elsevier
The thickness of dental enamel is often discussed in paleoanthropological literature,
particularly with regard to differences in growth, health, and diet between Neandertals and …

Variation in enamel thickness within the genus Homo

TM Smith, AJ Olejniczak, JP Zermeno… - Journal of human …, 2012 - Elsevier
Recent humans and their fossil relatives are classified as having thick molar enamel, one of
very few dental traits that distinguish hominins from living African apes. However, little is …

Characterizing the microstructures of mammalian enamel by synchrotron phase contrast microCT

C Marsico, JR Grimm, C Renteria, DP Guillen, K Tang… - Acta Biomaterialia, 2024 - Elsevier
The enamel of mammalian teeth is a highly mineralized tissue that must endure a lifetime of
cyclic contact and is inspiring the development of next-generation engineering materials …

Application of three‐dimensional computed tomography in craniofacial clinical practice and research

PJ Anderson, R Yong, TL Surman… - Australian dental …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Following the invention of the first computed tomography (CT) scanner in the early 1970s,
many innovations in three‐dimensional (3D) diagnostic imaging technology have occurred …

Survivability and fracture resistance of monolithic and multi‐yttria‐layered zirconia crowns as a function of yttria content: A mastication simulation study

Z Badr, L Culp, I Duqum, CH Lim… - Journal of Esthetic …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Objective To compare four different types of monolithic zirconia crowns in terms of survival
rate and fracture resistance after thermocycling and/or thermo‐mechanical loading in a …

Enamel thickness trends in Plio-Pleistocene hominin mandibular molars

MM Skinner, Z Alemseged, C Gaunitz… - Journal of human …, 2015 - Elsevier
Enamel thickness continues to be an important morphological character in hominin
systematics and is frequently invoked in dietary reconstructions of Plio-Pleistocene hominin …