From fluid flow to coupled processes in fractured rock: Recent advances and new frontiers

HS Viswanathan, J Ajo‐Franklin… - Reviews of …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Quantitative predictions of natural and induced phenomena in fractured rock is one of the
great challenges in the Earth and Energy Sciences with far‐reaching economic and …


曾联波, 马诗杰, 田鹤, 薛萌, 刘国**, 吕文雅 - 地球科学, 2023 -
天然裂缝是富有机质页岩油气储层的重要储集空间和主要渗流通道, 影响页岩油气的富集, 保存,
单井产能及开发效果, 天然裂缝发育规律研究对富有机质页岩油气勘探开发具有重要意义 …

Lithology identification using graph neural network in continental shale oil reservoirs: A case study in Mahu Sag, Junggar Basin, Western China

G Lu, L Zeng, S Dong, L Huang, G Liu… - Marine and Petroleum …, 2023 - Elsevier
The continental shale oil reservoir of Fengcheng Formation in the northern slope area of
Mahu Sag, Junggar Basin, Western China is very heterogeneous in lithology. Thus, the …

[HTML][HTML] Fracture identification and evaluation using conventional logs in tight sandstones: A case study in the Ordos Basin, China

S Dong, L Zeng, W Lyu, D **a, G Liu, Y Wu, X Du - Energy Geoscience, 2020 - Elsevier
Fractures are of great significance to tight oil and gas development. Fracture identification
using conventional well logs is a feasible way to locate the underground fractures in tight …

Lithofacies identification in carbonate reservoirs by multiple kernel Fisher discriminant analysis using conventional well logs: A case study in A oilfield, Zagros Basin …

S Dong, L Zeng, X Du, J He, F Sun - Journal of Petroleum Science and …, 2022 - Elsevier
Lithofacies identification in carbonate reservoirs using conventional well logs is a typically
complex nonlinear problem due to influences of multiple factors, such as fluids and fractures …

Fracture identification in reservoirs using well log data by window sliding recurrent neural network

S Dong, L Wang, L Zeng, X Du, C Ji, J Hao… - Geoenergy Science and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Detecting fractures using well logs can be difficult due to the complex response of
conventional logs. To address this issue, a novel method called Fracture Identification by …

A deep learning object detection method for fracture identification using conventional well logs

S Dong, J Hao, L Zeng, X Yang, L Wang… - … on Geoscience and …, 2024 -
Reservoir characterization struggles with identifying fractures, a typical imbalance
classification problem. To handle this issue, a novel approach called fracture identification …

A review of the genesis, evolution, and prediction of natural fractures in deep tight sandstones of China

L Zeng, L Gong, Y Zhang, S Dong… - AAPG Bulletin, 2023 -
Natural fractures are effective reservoir spaces and the main seepage channel for tight
sandstones, which control the migration, enrichment, and productivity of oil and natural gas …

Hybrid machine learning approaches for classification and detection of fractures in carbonate reservoir

MR Delavar - Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022 - Elsevier
Identifying reservoir fractures has been a challenge due to its significant influence in drilling
and production, especially in highly complex carbonate reservoirs. In this paper, one of the …

An intelligent prediction method of fractures in tight carbonate reservoirs

D Shaoqun, Z Lianbo, DU **angyi… - Petroleum Exploration …, 2022 - Elsevier
An intelligent prediction method for fractures in tight carbonate reservoir has been
established by upgrading single-well fracture identification and interwell fracture trend …