[HTML][HTML] A brief review of topological photonics in one, two, and three dimensions
Topological photonics has attracted increasing attention in recent years due to the unique
opportunities it provides to manipulate light in a robust way immune to disorder and defects …
opportunities it provides to manipulate light in a robust way immune to disorder and defects …
A short review of all-dielectric topological photonic crystals
Topological photonics is an emergent field at the cross of photonics and topological physics
which opens our eyes to novel topological phenomena and versatile photonic effects …
which opens our eyes to novel topological phenomena and versatile photonic effects …
Dirac-vortex topological photonic crystal fibre
The success of photonic crystal fibres relies largely on the endless variety of two-
dimensional photonic crystals in the cross-section. Here, we propose a topological bandgap …
dimensional photonic crystals in the cross-section. Here, we propose a topological bandgap …
Topological supermodes in photonic crystal fiber
Topological states enable robust transport within disorder-rich media through integer
invariants inextricably tied to the transmission of light, sound, or electrons. However, the …
invariants inextricably tied to the transmission of light, sound, or electrons. However, the …
Spin-dependent localization of helical edge states in a non-hermitian phononic crystal
As a distinctive feature unique to non-Hermitian systems, non-Hermitian skin effect displays
fruitful exotic phenomena in one or higher dimensions, especially when conventional …
fruitful exotic phenomena in one or higher dimensions, especially when conventional …
Topological photonic crystal fibers based on second-order corner modes
R Gong, M Zhang, H Li, Z Lan - Optics Letters, 2021 - opg.optica.org
Photonic crystal fibers represent one of the most active research fields in modern fiber
optics. The recent advancements in topological photonics have inspired new fiber concepts …
optics. The recent advancements in topological photonics have inspired new fiber concepts …
Topological photonic crystal fiber with honeycomb structure
We analyze a new type of photonic crystal fiber which consists of the core and cladding that
distinct in topology by tuning the position of air holes in each hexagonal unit cell where the …
distinct in topology by tuning the position of air holes in each hexagonal unit cell where the …
Azimuthally and radially polarized orbital angular momentum modes in valley topological photonic crystal fiber
Artificially tailoring the polarization and phase of light offers new applications in optical
communication, optical tweezers, and laser processing. Valley topological physics provides …
communication, optical tweezers, and laser processing. Valley topological physics provides …
Topological photonic crystal fiber with near-zero flattened dispersion
O Kang-Hyok, KH Kim - Optical Fiber Technology, 2022 - Elsevier
Robustness against structural disorder or defects is a fascinating feature of topological
photonic systems, triggering the extensive investigations in modern photonics. Recently, the …
photonic systems, triggering the extensive investigations in modern photonics. Recently, the …
Enhanced transmission capacity through a specialty multi-channel topological optical fiber
We propose a multi-channel specialty topological fiber based on 1D periodic geometry
which supports three coexisting and non-interacting topologically-protected robust light …
which supports three coexisting and non-interacting topologically-protected robust light …