From the service-oriented architecture to the web API economy
From the Service-Oriented Architecture to the Web API Economy Page 1 Internet of Things,
People, and Processes Editor: Schahram Dustdar, 64 Published …
People, and Processes Editor: Schahram Dustdar, 64 Published …
GaaS-X: Graph analytics accelerator supporting sparse data representation using crossbar architectures
Graph analytics applications are ubiquitous in this era of a connected world. These
applications have very low compute to byte-transferred ratios and exhibit poor locality, which …
applications have very low compute to byte-transferred ratios and exhibit poor locality, which …
MSGD: A novel matrix factorization approach for large-scale collaborative filtering recommender systems on GPUs
Real-time accurate recommendation of large-scale recommender systems is a challenging
task. Matrix factorization (MF), as one of the most accurate and scalable techniques to …
task. Matrix factorization (MF), as one of the most accurate and scalable techniques to …
Scalable and interpretable product recommendations via overlap** co-clustering
We consider the problem of generating interpretable recommendations by identifying
overlap** co-clusters of clients and products, based only on positive or implicit feedback …
overlap** co-clusters of clients and products, based only on positive or implicit feedback …
Sampled dense matrix multiplication for high-performance machine learning
Many machine learning methods involve iterative optimization and are amenable to a variety
of alternate formulations. Many currently popular formulations for some machine learning …
of alternate formulations. Many currently popular formulations for some machine learning …
Successive point-of-interest recommendation with local differential privacy
A point-of-interest (POI) recommendation system performs an important role in location-
based services because it can help people to explore new locations and promote …
based services because it can help people to explore new locations and promote …