Security and privacy challenges in mobile cloud computing: Survey and way ahead
The rapid growth of mobile computing is seriously challenged by the resource constrained
mobile devices. However, the growth of mobile computing can be enhanced by integrating …
mobile devices. However, the growth of mobile computing can be enhanced by integrating …
A survey of differential privacy-based techniques and their applicability to location-based services
The widespread use of mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches has
led users to constantly generate various location data during their daily activities …
led users to constantly generate various location data during their daily activities …
A private and efficient mechanism for data uploading in smart cyber-physical systems
To provide fine-grained access to different dimensions of the physical world, the data
uploading in smart cyber-physical systems suffers novel challenges on both energy …
uploading in smart cyber-physical systems suffers novel challenges on both energy …
Data security and privacy-preserving in edge computing paradigm: Survey and open issues
With the explosive growth of Internet of Things devices and massive data produced at the
edge of the network, the traditional centralized cloud computing model has come to a …
edge of the network, the traditional centralized cloud computing model has come to a …
How well do my results generalize? comparing security and privacy survey results from mturk, web, and telephone samples
Security and privacy researchers often rely on data collected from Amazon Mechanical Turk
(MTurk) to evaluate security tools, to understand users' privacy preferences and to measure …
(MTurk) to evaluate security tools, to understand users' privacy preferences and to measure …
Follow but no track: Privacy preserved profile publishing in cyber-physical social systems
Due to the close correlation with individual's physical features and status, the adoption of
cyber-physical social systems (CPSSs) has been inevitably hindered by users' privacy …
cyber-physical social systems (CPSSs) has been inevitably hindered by users' privacy …
Location-privacy-aware review publication mechanism for local business service systems
Local business service systems (LBSS), such as Yelp and Dian**, play an essential role
in making decisions like choosing a restaurant for our daily life. These systems heavily rely …
in making decisions like choosing a restaurant for our daily life. These systems heavily rely …
ILLIA: Enabling -Anonymity-Based Privacy Preserving Against Location Injection Attacks in Continuous LBS Queries
With the increasing popularity of location-based services (LBSs), it is of paramount
importance to preserve one's location privacy. The commonly used location privacy …
importance to preserve one's location privacy. The commonly used location privacy …
Eclipse: Preserving differential location privacy against long-term observation attacks
Mechanisms built upon geo-indistinguishability render location privacy, where a user can
submit obfuscated locations to Location-Based Service providers but still be able to correctly …
submit obfuscated locations to Location-Based Service providers but still be able to correctly …
Osprey: Recovery of variable and data structure via probabilistic analysis for stripped binary
Recovering variables and data structure information from stripped binary is a prominent
challenge in binary program analysis. While various state-of-the-art techniques are effective …
challenge in binary program analysis. While various state-of-the-art techniques are effective …