Dark-field microscopy: recent advances in accurate analysis and emerging applications
PF Gao, G Lei, CZ Huang - Analytical Chemistry, 2021 - ACS Publications
Self-luminous substances such as phosphorescent organisms and chemiluminescent
objects are ideal samples to observe under DFM. In such cases, no exogenous light source …
objects are ideal samples to observe under DFM. In such cases, no exogenous light source …
Scattering-based light microscopy: from metal nanoparticles to single proteins
L Priest, JS Peters, P Kukura - Chemical reviews, 2021 - ACS Publications
Our ability to detect, image, and quantify nanoscopic objects and molecules with visible light
has undergone dramatic improvements over the past few decades. While fluorescence has …
has undergone dramatic improvements over the past few decades. While fluorescence has …
Bismuth Sulfide Nanorods as a Precision Nanomedicine for in Vivo Multimodal Imaging-Guided Photothermal Therapy of Tumor
Here, we present a precision cancer nanomedicine based on Bi2S3 nanorods (NRs)
designed specifically for multispectral optoacoustic tomography (MSOT)/X-ray computed …
designed specifically for multispectral optoacoustic tomography (MSOT)/X-ray computed …
Rapid Degradation and High Renal Clearance of Cu3BiS3 Nanodots for Efficient Cancer Diagnosis and Photothermal Therapy in Vivo
A key challenge for the use of inorganic nanomedicines in clinical applications is their long-
term accumulation in internal organs, which raises the common concern of the risk of …
term accumulation in internal organs, which raises the common concern of the risk of …
Single-particle scattering spectroscopy: fundamentals and applications
Metallic nanoparticles supporting a localized surface plasmon resonance have emerged as
promising platforms for nanoscopic labels, sensors, and (photo-) catalysts. To use …
promising platforms for nanoscopic labels, sensors, and (photo-) catalysts. To use …
Nanoscale and ultrafast in situ techniques to probe plasmon photocatalysis
Plasmonic photocatalysis uses the light-induced resonant oscillation of free electrons in a
metal nanoparticle to concentrate optical energy for driving chemical reactions. By altering …
metal nanoparticle to concentrate optical energy for driving chemical reactions. By altering …
Robust Optical Physical Unclonable Function Based on Total Internal Reflection for Portable Authentication
Z Wang, H Wang, P Wang, Y Shao - ACS Applied Materials & …, 2024 - ACS Publications
Physical unclonable functions (PUFs) utilize uncontrollable manufacturing randomness to
yield cryptographic primitives. Currently, the fabrication of the most generally employed …
yield cryptographic primitives. Currently, the fabrication of the most generally employed …
Map** free-carriers in multijunction silicon nanowires using infrared near-field optical microscopy
We report the use of infrared (IR) scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-
SNOM) as a nondestructive method to map free-carriers in axially modulation-doped silicon …
SNOM) as a nondestructive method to map free-carriers in axially modulation-doped silicon …
Geometric nanophotonics: Light management in single nanowires through morphology
Conspectus Comprehensive control of light–matter interactions at the nanoscale is
increasingly important for the development of miniaturized light-based technologies that …
increasingly important for the development of miniaturized light-based technologies that …
Chemically engraving semiconductor nanowires: Using three-dimensional nanoscale morphology to encode functionality from the bottom up
The patterning of semiconductors with nanometer-scale precision is a cornerstone of
modern technology. Top-down methods, ranging from photolithography to focused-ion beam …
modern technology. Top-down methods, ranging from photolithography to focused-ion beam …