r-process nucleosynthesis: Connecting rare-isotope beam facilities with the cosmos
This is an exciting time for the study of r-process nucleosynthesis. Recently, a neutron star
merger GW170817 was observed in extraordinary detail with gravitational waves and …
merger GW170817 was observed in extraordinary detail with gravitational waves and …
Elastic scattering, fusion, and breakup of light exotic nuclei
The present status of fusion reactions involving light (A< 20) radioactive projectiles at
energies around the Coulomb barrier (E< 10 MeV per nucleon) is reviewed, emphasizing …
energies around the Coulomb barrier (E< 10 MeV per nucleon) is reviewed, emphasizing …
Conceptional design of a novel next-generation cryogenic stop** cell for the Low-Energy Branch of the Super-FRS
The conceptual design of a next-generation cryogenic stop** cell (CSC) for the Low-
Energy Branch (LEB) of the Super-FRS has been developed. It builds on advanced …
Energy Branch (LEB) of the Super-FRS has been developed. It builds on advanced …
Study of the Waiting Point Relevant for X-Ray Burst Nucleosynthesis via the Reaction
The Mg 22 (α, p) Al 25 reaction rate has been identified as a major source of uncertainty for
understanding the nucleosynthesis flow in Type-I x-ray bursts. We report a direct …
understanding the nucleosynthesis flow in Type-I x-ray bursts. We report a direct …
Studies of the 2α and 3α channels of the 12C+ 12C reaction in the range of E cm= 8.9 MeV to 21 MeV using the active target Time Projection Chamber
XY Wang, NT Zhang, ZC Zhang, CG Lu, TL Pu… - Chinese …, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
The 12 C+ 12 C fusion reaction was studied in the range of E cm= 8.9 to 21 MeV using the
active-target Time Projection Chamber. With full information on all tracks of the reaction …
active-target Time Projection Chamber. With full information on all tracks of the reaction …
Study of (α, p) and (α, n) reactions with a Multi-Sampling Ionization Chamber
A large number of (α, p) and (α, n) reactions are known to play a fundamental role in nuclear
astrophysics. This work presents a novel technique to study these reactions with the active …
astrophysics. This work presents a novel technique to study these reactions with the active …
Measurement of the cross section at weak -process energies
The weak r process in neutrino-driven winds following a core-collapse supernova is thought
to contribute to the cosmic abundances of the first r-process peak elements between Se and …
to contribute to the cosmic abundances of the first r-process peak elements between Se and …
Experimental study of the fusion reaction and its implications for fusion of proton-halo systems
The total fusion cross section for the F 17+ C 12 system at incident energies near the top of
the Coulomb barrier was studied using the newly developed Encore active-target detector at …
the Coulomb barrier was studied using the newly developed Encore active-target detector at …
The encore active target detector: a multi-sampling ionization chamber
The Encore active target detector is a Multi Sampling Ionization Chamber developed at
Florida State University (FSU). Encore has been successfully used to measure fusion …
Florida State University (FSU). Encore has been successfully used to measure fusion …
Influence of additional neutrons on the fusion cross section beyond the shell
Fusion enhancement for neutron-rich isotopes of oxygen on carbon nuclei was probed. To
measure the fusion cross section a O 20 beam accelerated to E lab/A= 2.7 MeV bombarded …
measure the fusion cross section a O 20 beam accelerated to E lab/A= 2.7 MeV bombarded …