Coherent phonons in condensed media

T Dekorsy, GC Cho, H Kurz - Light scattering in solids VIII: fullerenes …, 2006‏ - Springer
The impulsive excitation and phase-sensitive detection of coherent phonons and phonon-
polaritons provide a detailed insight into the dynamical properties of matter. The …

[ספר][B] Carbon nanotubes: basic concepts and physical properties

S Reich, C Thomsen, J Maultzsch - 2008‏ -
Carbon nanotubes are exceptionally interesting from a fundamental research point of view.
Many concepts of one-dimensional physics have been verified experimentally such as …

[ספר][B] GaAs and related materials: bulk semiconducting and superlattice properties

S Adachi - 1994‏ - World Scientific
The Al x Ga 1− x As/GaAs heterostructure system is potentially of great importance for many
high-speed electronics and optoelectronic devices, because the lattice parameter difference …

Excitonic luminescence upconversion in a two-dimensional semiconductor

AM Jones, H Yu, JR Schaibley, J Yan, DG Mandrus… - Nature Physics, 2016‏ -
Photon upconversion is an elementary light–matter interaction process in which an
absorbed photon is re-emitted at higher frequency after extracting energy from the medium …

Double-resonant Raman scattering in graphite: Interference effects, selection rules, and phonon dispersion

J Maultzsch, S Reich, C Thomsen - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter …, 2004‏ - APS
We present a comprehensive analysis of double-resonant Raman scattering in graphite and
derive an analytical expression for the Raman cross section of the D mode in one …

[PDF][PDF] Room-temperature electroabsorption and switching in a GaAs/AlGaAs superlattice

I Bar-Joseph, KW Goossen, JM Kuo, RF Kopf… - Applied physics …, 1989‏ -
Quantum well (QW) based optoelectronic devices have been rapidly evolving in the last few
years. The observation ofthe quantum-confined Stark effect, which gives an absorption edge …

[PDF][PDF] Electro‐optical multistability in GaAs/AlAs superlattices at room temperature

H Schneider, K Fujiwara, HT Grahn… - Applied physics …, 1990‏ -
We have studied the optical absorption properties ofa GaAslAlAs short-period superlattice at
room temperature in an electric field perpendicular to the layers. Several pronounced optical …

Coupled Bloch-phonon oscillations in semiconductor superlattices

T Dekorsy, A Bartels, H Kurz, K Köhler, R Hey, K Ploog - Physical review letters, 2000‏ - APS
We investigate coherent Bloch oscillations in GaAs/Al x Ga 1− x As superlattices with
electronic miniband widths larger than the optical phonon energy. In these superlattices the …

Electroreflectance detection of resonant coupling between Wannier-Stark localization states in a GaAs/AlAs superlattice

M Nakayama, I Tanaka, H Nishimura, K Kawashima… - Physical Review B, 1991‏ - APS
We report electroreflectance (ER) detection of the resonant coupling between the Wannier-
Stark localization states in a GaAS (6.4 nm)/AlAs (0.9 nm) superlattice. We find that the ER …

Exciton-phonon interactions in quantum wells and superlattices

KJ Nash, DJ Mowbray - Journal of Luminescence, 1989‏ - Elsevier
The effects of the exciton-phonon interaction on the properties of quantum wells and
superlattices are reviewed. The phonon sidebands of the absorption and …