[کتاب][B] PCT, spin and statistics, and all that

RF Streater, AS Wightman - 2000‏ - books.google.com
PCT, Spin and Statistics, and All That is the classic summary of and introduction to the
achievements of Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory. This theory gives precise mathematical …

[کتاب][B] Theory of phase transitions: rigorous results

YG Sinai - 2014‏ - books.google.com
Theory of Phase Transitions: Rigorous Results is inspired by lectures on mathematical
problems of statistical physics presented in the Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian …

On fermion gauge groups, current algebras and Kac-Moody algebras

AL Carey, SNM Ruijsenaars - Acta Applicandae Mathematica, 1987‏ - Springer
Abstract Representations of groups of loops in U (N), SO (N) and various subgroups are
studied. The representations are defined on fermion Fock spaces, and may be regarded as …

The P (φ) 2 Euclidean quantum field theory as classical statistical mechanics

F Guerra, L Rosen, B Simon - Annals of Mathematics, 1975‏ - JSTOR
I. Introduction In the last decade there has been considerable progress in the areas of
constructive quantum field theory and rigorous statistical mechanics. Both disciplines, as …

Snowmass white paper: The quest to define QFT

M Dedushenko - International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2023‏ - World Scientific
This paper provides a review of the literature on rigorous definitions and constructions in
quantum field theory (QFT), spanning the period of seven decades. Compared with the …

The classical field limit of scattering theory for non-relativistic many-boson systems. II

J Ginibre, G Velo - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1979‏ - Springer
We study the classical field limit of non relativistic many-boson theories in space dimension
n≧ 3, extending the results of a previous paper to more singular interactions. We prove the …

On a model for quantum friction III. Ergodic properties of the spin-boson system

V Jakšić, CA Pillet - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1996‏ - Springer
We investigate the dynamics of a 2-level atom (or spin 1/2) coupled to a mass-less bosonic
field at positive temperature. We prove that, at small coupling, the combined quantum …

Quantum field theory: Underdetermination, inconsistency, and idealization

D Fraser - Philosophy of Science, 2009‏ - cambridge.org
Quantum field theory (QFT) presents a genuine example of the underdetermination of theory
by empirical evidence. There are variants of QFT—for example, the standard textbook …

The Wightman axioms and the mass gap for strong interactions of exponential type in two-dimensional space-time

S Albeverio, R Høegh-Krohn - Journal of Functional Analysis, 1974‏ - Elsevier
We construct boson models in two space-time dimensions which satisfy all the Wightman
axioms with mass gap. The interactions are exponential and no restriction on the size of the …

[کتاب][B] Quantum mechanics and quantum field theory: a mathematical primer

J Dimock - 2011‏ - books.google.com
Explaining the concepts of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory in a precise
mathematical language, this textbook is an ideal introduction for graduate students in …