Digital marketing communication in global marketplaces: A review of extant research, future directions, and potential approaches
Digital marketing communication, that is, communication through digital or electronic media
among businesses and consumers, is growing rapidly, especially during the COVID-19 era …
among businesses and consumers, is growing rapidly, especially during the COVID-19 era …
[HTML][HTML] AI anthropomorphism and its effect on users' self-congruence and self–AI integration: A theoretical framework and research agenda
This paper examines how users of anthropomorphised artificially intelligent (AI) agents,
which possess capabilities to mimic humanlike behaviour, relate psychologically to such …
which possess capabilities to mimic humanlike behaviour, relate psychologically to such …
Consumers and artificial intelligence: An experiential perspective
Artificial intelligence (AI) helps companies offer important benefits to consumers, such as
health monitoring with wearable devices, advice with recommender systems, peace of mind …
health monitoring with wearable devices, advice with recommender systems, peace of mind …
Fields of gold: Scra** web data for marketing insights
Marketing scholars increasingly use web scra** and application programming interfaces
(APIs) to collect data from the internet. Yet, despite the widespread use of such web data, the …
(APIs) to collect data from the internet. Yet, despite the widespread use of such web data, the …
Secrets and likes: The drive for privacy and the difficulty of achieving it in the digital age
We review different streams of social science literature on privacy with the goal of
understanding consumer privacy decision making and deriving implications for policy. We …
understanding consumer privacy decision making and deriving implications for policy. We …
I really know you: how influencers can increase audience engagement by referencing their close social ties
Despite firms' continued interest in using influencers to reach their target consumers,
academic and practical insights are limited on what levers an influencer can use to enhance …
academic and practical insights are limited on what levers an influencer can use to enhance …
A meta-analysis of when and how advertising creativity works
Although creativity is often considered a key success factor in advertising, the marketing
literature lacks a systematic empirical account of when and how advertising creativity works …
literature lacks a systematic empirical account of when and how advertising creativity works …
From tablet to table: How augmented reality influences food desirability
Augmented reality (AR) technology has generated enormous industry investment and buzz,
with the food and beverage sector quickly embracing this technology in an effort to enhance …
with the food and beverage sector quickly embracing this technology in an effort to enhance …
Influencers' intimate self-disclosure and its impact on consumers' self-brand connections: scale development, validation, and application
Purpose This study develops and validates a scale to measure social media influencers'
intimate self-disclosure (SMIs' ISD), by accessing consumer perceptions of the intimacy …
intimate self-disclosure (SMIs' ISD), by accessing consumer perceptions of the intimacy …
The power of brand selfies
Smartphones have made it nearly effortless to share images of branded experiences. This
research classifies social media brand imagery and studies user response. Aside from …
research classifies social media brand imagery and studies user response. Aside from …