[KNJIGA][B] Reimagining rehabilitation: Beyond the individual

L Burke, S Collett, F McNeill - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
This book aims to make the case for and provide some of the resources necessary to
reimagine rehabilitation for twenty-first-century criminal justice. Outlining an approach to …

Socioeconomic marginality in sentencing: The built-in bias in risk assessment tools and the reproduction of social inequality

G Van Eijk - Punishment & Society, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
This article develops a sociological analysis and critique of including socioeconomic factors
such as education, employment, income and housing in risk assessment tools that inform …

[KNJIGA][B] Transforming Criminal Justice?: Problem-Solving and Court Specialisation

J Donoghue - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
Why is punishment not more effective? Why do we have such high re-offending rates? How
can we deal with crime and criminals in a more cost-effective way? Over the last decade in …

The role of character‐based personal mitigation in sentencing judgments

IK Belton, MK Dhami - Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Personal mitigating factors (PMFs) such as good character, remorse and addressing
addiction help sentencers evaluate an offender's past, present and future behavior. We …

[KNJIGA][B] Mental health and crime

J Peay - 2010 - taylorfrancis.com
Does mental disorder cause crime? Does crime cause mental disorder? And if either of
these could be proved to be true what consequences should stem for those who find …

Progressive penality as performance

J Buchan, F McNeill - The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Scotland's prison population remains stubbornly high despite reforms to sentencing and
community penalties (most recently in 2016). Seeking to advance the debate on punishment …

Advancing electronic monitoring in Scotland: Understanding the influences of localism and professional ideologies

H Graham, G McIvor - European Journal of Probation, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
Scotland has one of the highest prison population rates in western Europe, coinciding with a
recent growth in interest in electronic monitoring (EM) as a potential mechanism for …

Sentencing individuals on cusp‐cases: The use of offenders' backgrounds by Scottish Sheriffs

J Velásquez‐Valenzuela - The Howard Journal of Crime and …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
To what extent are accused's backgrounds within the criminal justice system considered
during the sentencing process, and if they are, how do judges make sense of them? To …

Examining the use of community service orders as alternatives to short prison sentences in Ireland

K O'Hara, M Rogan - 2015 - arrow.tudublin.ie
Examining the Use of Community Service Orders as Alternatives to Short Prison Sentences in
Ireland Page 1 Technological University Dublin ARROW@TU Dublin Articles Social Sciences …

Decision-making and offender supervision

F McNeill, K Beyens, M Boone… - Offender supervision in …, 2013 - Springer
A probation officer sits by his fax machine or telephone in the morning and receives
information from the police about offenders who have been arrested the night before. He has …