Cosmology intertwined: A review of the particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology associated with the cosmological tensions and anomalies
Abstract The standard Λ Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) cosmological model provides a good
description of a wide range of astrophysical and cosmological data. However, there are a …
description of a wide range of astrophysical and cosmological data. However, there are a …
Observational probes of cosmic acceleration
The accelerating expansion of the universe is the most surprising cosmological discovery in
many decades, implying that the universe is dominated by some form of “dark energy” with …
many decades, implying that the universe is dominated by some form of “dark energy” with …
DESI 2024: reconstructing dark energy using crossing statistics with DESI DR1 BAO data
Abstract We implement Crossing Statistics to reconstruct in a model-agnostic manner the
expansion history of the universe and properties of dark energy, using DESI Data Release 1 …
expansion history of the universe and properties of dark energy, using DESI Data Release 1 …
Revealing intrinsic flat biases with standardizable candles
Emerging high-redshift cosmological probes, in particular quasars (QSOs), show a
preference for larger matter densities, Ω m≈ 1, within the flat Λ CDM framework. Here, using …
preference for larger matter densities, Ω m≈ 1, within the flat Λ CDM framework. Here, using …
Hubble parameter and Baryon Acoustic Oscillation measurement constraints on the Hubble constant, the deviation from the spatially flat ΛCDM model, the …
We compile a complete collection of reliable Hubble parameter H (z) data to redshift z≤
2.36 and use them with the Gaussian Process method to determine continuous H (z) …
2.36 and use them with the Gaussian Process method to determine continuous H (z) …
On the impact of f(Q) gravity on the large scale structure
We investigate the exponential f (Q) symmetric teleparallel gravitation, namely using ME-
GADGET code to probe the structure formation with box sizes L Box= 10/100 Mpc h–1 and …
GADGET code to probe the structure formation with box sizes L Box= 10/100 Mpc h–1 and …
[HTML][HTML] Cosmology in f (R, Lm) gravity
In this letter, we investigate the cosmic expansion scenario of the universe in the framework
of f (R, L m) gravity theory. We consider a non-linear f (R, L m) model, specifically, f (R, L m) …
of f (R, L m) gravity theory. We consider a non-linear f (R, L m) model, specifically, f (R, L m) …
Model-independent cosmological inference post DESI DR1 BAO measurements
In this work, we implement Gaussian process regression to reconstruct the expansion history
of the Universe in a model-agnostic manner, using the Pantheon-Plus SN-Ia compilation in …
of the Universe in a model-agnostic manner, using the Pantheon-Plus SN-Ia compilation in …
Running Hubble tension and a H0 diagnostic
Hubble tension is routinely presented as a mismatch between the Hubble constant H 0
determined locally and a value inferred from the flat Λ CDM cosmology. In essence, the …
determined locally and a value inferred from the flat Λ CDM cosmology. In essence, the …
Dark energy
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