Quantum simulations and many-body physics with light
In this review we discuss the works in the area of quantum simulation and many-body
physics with light, from the early proposals on equilibrium models to the more recent works …
physics with light, from the early proposals on equilibrium models to the more recent works …
Quantum many‐body phenomena in coupled cavity arrays
The increasing level of experimental control over atomic and optical systems gained in
recent years has paved the way for the exploration of new physical regimes in quantum …
recent years has paved the way for the exploration of new physical regimes in quantum …
Photon-blockade-induced Mott transitions and spin models in coupled cavity arrays
We propose a physical system where photons could exhibit strongly correlated effects. We
demonstrate how a Mott-insulator phase of atom-photon excitations (polaritons) can arise in …
demonstrate how a Mott-insulator phase of atom-photon excitations (polaritons) can arise in …
A review of electro-optic, semiconductor optical amplifier and photonic crystal-based optical switches for application in quantum computing
Light is established as a successful carrier in quantum optical computing and data
processing, as photon always maintains the quantum phenomenon of a particle. In this …
processing, as photon always maintains the quantum phenomenon of a particle. In this …
Fractional quantum Hall state in coupled cavities
We propose a scheme to realize the fractional quantum Hall system with atoms confined in a
two-dimensional array of coupled cavities. Our scheme is based on simple optical …
two-dimensional array of coupled cavities. Our scheme is based on simple optical …
Reconfigurable all-optical NOT, XOR, and NOR logic gates based on two dimensional photonic crystals
Photonic crystals can be considered as one of the most important basis for designing optical
devices. In this research, using two-dimensional photonic crystals with triangular lattices …
devices. In this research, using two-dimensional photonic crystals with triangular lattices …
Controlling the transport of single photons by tuning the frequency of either one or two cavities in an array of coupled cavities
We theoretically study how to control transport, bound states, and resonant states of a single
photon in a one-dimensional coupled-cavity array. We find that the transport of a single …
photon in a one-dimensional coupled-cavity array. We find that the transport of a single …
Many-body phenomena in QED-cavity arrays
A Tomadin, R Fazio - Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2010 - opg.optica.org
Coupled quantum electrodynamics (QED) cavities have been recently proposed as new
systems to simulate a variety of equilibrium and nonequilibrium many-body phenomena. We …
systems to simulate a variety of equilibrium and nonequilibrium many-body phenomena. We …
Two-photon Rabi splitting in a coupled system of a nanocavity and exciton complexes
Two-photon Rabi splitting in a cavity-dot system provides a basis for multiqubit coherent
control in a quantum photonic network. Here we report on two-photon Rabi splitting in a …
control in a quantum photonic network. Here we report on two-photon Rabi splitting in a …
Alternative scheme for implementation of 3 qubit Fredkin gate with photonic bandgap crystal
The authors demonstrate an all-optical Fredkin gate which implements an interference
based controlled swap operation. This realization has a small footprint (60 µm× 75 µm wafer …
based controlled swap operation. This realization has a small footprint (60 µm× 75 µm wafer …