Promoting special educator teacher retention: A critical review of the literature

JE Vittek - Sage Open, 2015 -
This article is a critical review of the literature on special education teacher attrition and
retention. The research focused on journal articles from 2004 to present. The results of the …

Promoting virtual, informal learning now to thrive in a post‐pandemic world

S Zajac, J Randall, C Holladay - Business and Society Review, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
A significant practical and ethical challenge that societies, governments, and organizations
face in response to COVID‐19 is how to support individual learning and development during …

Exploring online mentoring with preservice teachers in a pandemic and the need to deliver quality education

P Ersin, D Atay - International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in …, 2021 -
Purpose Social constructivism in teacher education highlights the importance of social
interaction between preservice teachers (PTs) and their cooperating teachers (mentors) for …

Beyond mentoring: A review of literature detailing the need for additional and alternative forms of support for novice music teachers

CG Bell-Robertson - Update: Applications of Research in …, 2015 -
Support for music teachers new to the profession is important and necessary. Some school
districts use traditional mentor–mentee pairings as their primary support for novice music …

The new teacher induction experience: Tension between curricular and programmatic demands and the need for immediate help

DE Mitchell, B Howard, M Meetze-Hall… - Teacher Education …, 2017 - JSTOR
Throughout the history of California's Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment (BTSA)
program, new teachers have reported experiencing substantial tension between the …

Supporting new teachers of students with significant disabilities through virtual coaching: A proposed model

M Israel, CR Carnahan, KK Snyder… - Remedial and …, 2013 -
New teachers of students with significant disabilities are expected to use evidence-based
practices that build academic and functional skills from their first day on the job. Yet, these …

Supporting new special education teachers: How online resources and Web 2.0 technologies can help

B Billingsley, M Israel, S Smith - Teaching Exceptional …, 2011 -
Jane sat down exhausted after another long day. It was just the first week of November, but it
felt as if the school year had been in session for months. She expected her first year to be …

E-mentoring: The effects on pedagogical training of rural teachers with complex geographical accesses

MGB Quintana, EP Zambrano - Computers in Human Behavior, 2014 - Elsevier
Considering multi difficulties that determine the labor of rural teachers who perform their
teaching practices in semi-isolated contexts, it is necessary to provide them a supportive …

Designing an e-mentoring program for novice teachers in Turkey and investigating online interactions and program outcomes

E Alemdag, M Erdem - Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
In this collaborative research, we designed an e-mentoring program for novice teachers and
explored online interactions between mentors and mentees, participant satisfaction, and the …

Improving special education teacher quality and effectiveness

BS Billingsley, E Bettini - Handbook of special education, 2017 -
Research using different conceptualizations of special education teachers (SET) quality has
provided important insights into a variety of factors influencing teacher quality and …