Wireless powered mobile edge computing networks: A survey
Wireless Powered Mobile Edge Computing (WPMEC) is an integration of Mobile Edge
Computing (MEC) and Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) technologies, to both improve …
Computing (MEC) and Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) technologies, to both improve …
Machine learning–based cyber attacks targeting on controlled information: A survey
Stealing attack against controlled information, along with the increasing number of
information leakage incidents, has become an emerging cyber security threat in recent …
information leakage incidents, has become an emerging cyber security threat in recent …
Deep learning based attack detection for cyber-physical system cybersecurity: A survey
With the booming of cyber attacks and cyber criminals against cyber-physical systems
(CPSs), detecting these attacks remains challenging. It might be the worst of times, but it …
(CPSs), detecting these attacks remains challenging. It might be the worst of times, but it …
Malware detection using deep learning and correlation-based feature selection
Malware is one of the most frequent cyberattacks, with its prevalence growing daily across
the network. Malware traffic is always asymmetrical compared to benign traffic, which is …
the network. Malware traffic is always asymmetrical compared to benign traffic, which is …
Detecting vulnerability on IoT device firmware: A survey
Internet of things (IoT) devices make up 30% of all network-connected endpoints,
introducing vulnerabilities and novel attacks that make many companies as primary targets …
introducing vulnerabilities and novel attacks that make many companies as primary targets …
Mobile operating system (Android) vulnerability analysis using machine learning
Because of the computational processing, seamless functioning and benefits that it gives to
Android-users, cyber thieves have been drawn towards it. Conventional AMD: android …
Android-users, cyber thieves have been drawn towards it. Conventional AMD: android …
Deep learning for android malware defenses: a systematic literature review
Malicious applications (particularly those targeting the Android platform) pose a serious
threat to developers and end-users. Numerous research efforts have been devoted to …
threat to developers and end-users. Numerous research efforts have been devoted to …
Deep learning for zero-day malware detection and classification: A survey
Zero-day malware is malware that has never been seen before or is so new that no anti-
malware software can catch it. This novelty and the lack of existing mitigation strategies …
malware software can catch it. This novelty and the lack of existing mitigation strategies …
A survey of malware analysis using community detection algorithms
In recent years, we have witnessed an overwhelming and fast proliferation of different types
of malware targeting organizations and individuals, which considerably increased the time …
of malware targeting organizations and individuals, which considerably increased the time …
A survey on malware detection with graph representation learning
Malware detection has become a major concern due to the increasing number and
complexity of malware. Traditional detection methods based on signatures and heuristics …
complexity of malware. Traditional detection methods based on signatures and heuristics …