Electronic defects in metal oxide photocatalysts
A deep understanding of defects is essential for the optimization of materials for solar energy
conversion. This is particularly true for metal oxide photo (electro) catalysts, which typically …
conversion. This is particularly true for metal oxide photo (electro) catalysts, which typically …
Polarons in materials
Polarons are quasiparticles that easily form in polarizable materials due to the coupling of
excess electrons or holes with ionic vibrations. These quasiparticles manifest themselves in …
excess electrons or holes with ionic vibrations. These quasiparticles manifest themselves in …
Angle-resolved photoemission studies of quantum materials
The physics of quantum materials is dictated by many-body interactions and mathematical
concepts such as symmetry and topology that have transformed our understanding of matter …
concepts such as symmetry and topology that have transformed our understanding of matter …
The kinetics of metal oxide photoanodes from charge generation to catalysis
Generating charge carriers with lifetimes long enough to drive catalysis is a critical aspect for
photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic systems, and a key determinant of their efficiency …
photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic systems, and a key determinant of their efficiency …
Electron-phonon interactions from first principles
F Giustino - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2017 - APS
This article reviews the theory of electron-phonon interactions in solids from the point of view
of ab initio calculations. While the electron-phonon interaction has been studied for almost a …
of ab initio calculations. While the electron-phonon interaction has been studied for almost a …
Recent advances in 2D superconductors
The emergence of superconductivity in 2D materials has attracted much attention and there
has been rapid development in recent years because of their fruitful physical properties …
has been rapid development in recent years because of their fruitful physical properties …
[HTML][HTML] Wet-chemistry hydrogen doped TiO2 with switchable defects control for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution
Hydrogen has a remarkably flexible chemistry in oxides. We show that the introduction of H
into simple TiO 2 leads to greatly enhanced photocatalytic properties, and specifically yields …
into simple TiO 2 leads to greatly enhanced photocatalytic properties, and specifically yields …
Polarons in two-dimensional atomic crystals
Polarons are quasiparticles that emerge from the interaction of fermionic particles with
bosonic fields. In crystalline solids, polarons form when electrons and holes become …
bosonic fields. In crystalline solids, polarons form when electrons and holes become …
Physics of SrTiO3-based heterostructures and nanostructures: a review
This review provides a summary of the rich physics expressed within SrTiO 3-based
heterostructures and nanostructures. The intended audience is researchers who are …
heterostructures and nanostructures. The intended audience is researchers who are …
Unified approach to polarons and phonon-induced band structure renormalization
Ab initio calculations of the phonon-induced band structure renormalization are currently
based on the perturbative Allen-Heine theory and its many-body generalizations. These …
based on the perturbative Allen-Heine theory and its many-body generalizations. These …