Cooperative Lamb shift in an atomic vapor layer of nanometer thickness
We present an experimental measurement of the cooperative Lamb shift and the Lorentz
shift using a nanothickness atomic vapor layer with tunable thickness and atomic density …
shift using a nanothickness atomic vapor layer with tunable thickness and atomic density …
Collective atomic scattering and motional effects in a dense coherent medium
We investigate collective emission from coherently driven ultracold 88Sr atoms. We perform
two sets of experiments using a strong and weak transition that are insensitive and sensitive …
two sets of experiments using a strong and weak transition that are insensitive and sensitive …
Photon storage in -type optically dense atomic media. II. Free-space model
In a recent paper [Gorshkov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 123601 (2007)], we presented a universal
physical picture for describing a wide range of techniques for storage and retrieval of photon …
physical picture for describing a wide range of techniques for storage and retrieval of photon …
Maximum refractive index of an atomic medium
It is interesting to observe that all optical materials with a positive refractive index have a
value of index that is of order unity. Surprisingly, though, a deep understanding of the …
value of index that is of order unity. Surprisingly, though, a deep understanding of the …
Many-body localization in waveguide quantum electrodynamics
At the quantum many-body level, atom-light interfaces generally remain challenging to solve
for or understand in a nonperturbative fashion. Here we consider a waveguide quantum …
for or understand in a nonperturbative fashion. Here we consider a waveguide quantum …
Superradiance and subradiance in inverted atomic arrays
Superradiance and subradiance are collective effects that emerge from coherent
interactions between quantum emitters. Due to their many-body nature, theoretical studies of …
interactions between quantum emitters. Due to their many-body nature, theoretical studies of …
Beyond lowest order mean-field theory for light interacting with atom arrays
Results from higher order mean-field calculations of light interacting with atom arrays are
presented for calculations of one-and two-time expectation values. The atoms are …
presented for calculations of one-and two-time expectation values. The atoms are …
Electromagnetically induced left-handedness in a dense gas of three-level atoms
We discuss how a three-level system can be used to change the frequency-dependent
magnetic permeability of an atomic gas to be significantly different from 1. We derive the …
magnetic permeability of an atomic gas to be significantly different from 1. We derive the …
Superradiance in ultracold Rydberg gases
Experiments in dense, ultracold gases of rubidium Rydberg atoms show a considerable
decrease of the radiative excited state lifetimes compared to dilute gases. This accelerated …
decrease of the radiative excited state lifetimes compared to dilute gases. This accelerated …
Intensity effects of light coupling to one-or two-atom arrays of infinite extent
We theoretically and computationally investigate the behavior of infinite atom arrays when
illuminated by nearly resonant light. We use higher-order mean-field equations to …
illuminated by nearly resonant light. We use higher-order mean-field equations to …