Overcoming the timescale barrier in molecular dynamics: Transfer operators, variational principles and machine learning
One of the main challenges in molecular dynamics is overcoming the 'timescale barrier': in
many realistic molecular systems, biologically important rare transitions occur on timescales …
many realistic molecular systems, biologically important rare transitions occur on timescales …
Slicing and dicing: Optimal coarse-grained representation to preserve molecular kinetics
The aim of molecular coarse-graining approaches is to recover relevant physical properties
of the molecular system via a lower-resolution model that can be more efficiently simulated …
of the molecular system via a lower-resolution model that can be more efficiently simulated …
Solving eigenvalue PDEs of metastable diffusion processes using artificial neural networks
In this paper, we consider the eigenvalue PDE problem of the infinitesimal generators of
metastable diffusion processes. We propose a numerical algorithm based on training …
metastable diffusion processes. We propose a numerical algorithm based on training …
Transition manifolds of complex metastable systems: Theory and data-driven computation of effective dynamics
We consider complex dynamical systems showing metastable behavior, but no local
separation of fast and slow time scales. The article raises the question of whether such …
separation of fast and slow time scales. The article raises the question of whether such …
[HTML][HTML] Coarse-graining molecular systems by spectral matching
Coarse-graining has become an area of tremendous importance within many different
research fields. For molecular simulation, coarse-graining bears the promise of finding …
research fields. For molecular simulation, coarse-graining bears the promise of finding …
Understanding recent deep‐learning techniques for identifying collective variables of molecular dynamics
High‐dimensional metastable molecular dynamics (MD) can often be characterised by a few
features of the system, that is, collective variables (CVs). Thanks to the rapid advance in the …
features of the system, that is, collective variables (CVs). Thanks to the rapid advance in the …
Simulations of phage T7 capsid expansion reveal the role of molecular sterics on dynamics
Molecular dynamics techniques provide numerous strategies for investigating biomolecular
energetics, though quantitative analysis is often only accessible for relatively small …
energetics, though quantitative analysis is often only accessible for relatively small …
Jarzynski's equality, fluctuation theorems, and variance reduction: Mathematical analysis and numerical algorithms
In this paper, we study Jarzynski's equality and fluctuation theorems for diffusion processes.
While some of the results considered in the current work are known in the (mainly physics) …
While some of the results considered in the current work are known in the (mainly physics) …
[HTML][HTML] Spectral properties of effective dynamics from conditional expectations
The reduction of high-dimensional systems to effective models on a smaller set of variables
is an essential task in many areas of science. For stochastic dynamics governed by diffusion …
is an essential task in many areas of science. For stochastic dynamics governed by diffusion …
On finding optimal collective variables for complex systems by minimizing the deviation between effective and full dynamics
This paper is concerned with collective variables, or reaction coordinates, that map a
discrete-in-time Markov process $ X_n $ in $\mathbb {R}^ d $ to a (much) smaller dimension …
discrete-in-time Markov process $ X_n $ in $\mathbb {R}^ d $ to a (much) smaller dimension …