The visual‐attention span deficit in developmental dyslexia: Review of evidence for a visual‐attention‐based deficit
S Valdois - Dyslexia, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The visual attention span (VAS) deficit hypothesis in developmental dyslexia posits that a
subset of dyslexic individuals shows a multielement parallel processing deficit due to …
subset of dyslexic individuals shows a multielement parallel processing deficit due to …
Visual attention span capacity in developmental dyslexia: A meta-analysis
J Liu, X Ren, Y Wang, J Zhao - Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2023 - Elsevier
The visual attention span (VAS) deficit theory of developmental dyslexia (DD) indicates that
impaired VAS may cause reading disabilities. However, whether people with dyslexia have …
impaired VAS may cause reading disabilities. However, whether people with dyslexia have …
Visual attention modulates reading acquisition
The processing of letters within strings is challenging for beginning readers. Letter
identification is affected by visual similarity, loss of information with eccentricity and …
identification is affected by visual similarity, loss of information with eccentricity and …
Brain structures and functional connectivity in neglected children with no other types of maltreatment
Child maltreatment can adversely affect brain development, leading to vulnerabilities in
brain structure and function and various psychiatric disorders. Among the various types of …
brain structure and function and various psychiatric disorders. Among the various types of …
Neural dissociation of visual attention span and phonological deficits in developmental dyslexia: A hub‐based white matter network analysis
It has been suggested that developmental dyslexia may have two dissociable causes—a
phonological deficit and a visual attention span (VAS) deficit. Yet, neural evidence for such a …
phonological deficit and a visual attention span (VAS) deficit. Yet, neural evidence for such a …
The role of visual factors in dyslexia
What are the causes of dyslexia? Decades of research reflect a determined search for a
single cause where a common assumption is that dyslexia is a consequence of problems …
single cause where a common assumption is that dyslexia is a consequence of problems …
Varieties of cognitive profiles in poor readers: Evidence for a VAS-impaired subtype
A wide share of secondary school children does not reach the expected competence level in
reading. These children could benefit from more efficient intervention responses, providing a …
reading. These children could benefit from more efficient intervention responses, providing a …
Visual attention and neural oscillations in reading and dyslexia: Are they possible targets for remediation?
TR Vidyasagar - Neuropsychologia, 2019 - Elsevier
After decades of finding a range of cognitive functions both in visual and phonological
domains that correlate with reading performance, there are in recent years attempts to solve …
domains that correlate with reading performance, there are in recent years attempts to solve …
Involvement of the dorsal and ventral attention networks in visual attention span
Visual attention span (VAS), which refers to the window size of multielement parallel
processing in a short time, plays an important role in higher‐level cognition (eg, reading) as …
processing in a short time, plays an important role in higher‐level cognition (eg, reading) as …
Remediation of allophonic perception and visual attention span in developmental dyslexia: A joint assay
R Zoubrinetzky, G Collet, MA Nguyen-Morel… - Frontiers in …, 2019 -
Categorical perception of phonemes and visual attention span are cognitive processes that
contribute independently to poor reading skills in developmental dyslexia. We here explored …
contribute independently to poor reading skills in developmental dyslexia. We here explored …