Framing of the Syrian refugee crisis in the Spanish press
FS Perez - The Migrant Crisis European Perspectives and …, 2017 - books.google.com
At the turn of the century (from mid-1990s to mid-2000s) Spain became a country of
immigration. In 2000, foreign-born population in Spain was close to one million people …
immigration. In 2000, foreign-born population in Spain was close to one million people …
El impacto de la crisis sobre el proceso de integración del colectivo de origen ecuatoriano en España
G Moreno Márquez… - … de Filosofía de la …, 2017 - scielo.senescyt.gob.ec
Este artículo pretende analizar cuál ha sido el impacto real de la crisis económica y
financiera para el colectivo de origen ecuatoriano residente en España, y cómo han incidido …
financiera para el colectivo de origen ecuatoriano residente en España, y cómo han incidido …
Immigration and Economic Crisis: An Analysis of the Impact in Spain, 2007–2013
C Carrasco Carpio - Critical Sociology, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
This article illustrates the phenomenon of migration as a key for analyzing neoliberal as well
as Keynesian logic. The European socio-economic frame of integration is defined as a four …
as Keynesian logic. The European socio-economic frame of integration is defined as a four …
Immigrants' employment and the business cycle in Spain: taking account of gender and origin
The purpose of this paper is to provide an empirical overview of the relationship between the
business cycle and the immigrant employment cycle in Spain, differentiating by gender and …
business cycle and the immigrant employment cycle in Spain, differentiating by gender and …
Challenges of immigrant Integration in Spanish local governments
JM Ruano de la Fuente - Local Integration of Migrants Policy: European …, 2021 - Springer
The chapter analyses the evolution of migratory flows in Spain over the last few decades
and how both the definition of migratory policy by the responsible authorities and the …
and how both the definition of migratory policy by the responsible authorities and the …
La trabajadora extranjera y el empleo en el hogar
MDG Valverde - Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios …, 2022 - dialnet.unirioja.es
El fin de este trabajo es el análisis de la situación laboral de la mujer extranjera en España.
Pone de manifiesto las deficiencias y los avances en la normativa legal. También aborda la …
Pone de manifiesto las deficiencias y los avances en la normativa legal. También aborda la …
Herausforderungen der Integration von Zuwanderern in spanischen Kommunalverwaltungen
JM Ruano de la Fuente - Politik zur lokalen Integration von Migranten …, 2023 - Springer
Zusammenfassung Das Kapitel analysiert die Entwicklung der Migrationsströme in Spanien
in den letzten Jahrzehnten und zeigt, wie sowohl die Definition der Migrationspolitik durch …
in den letzten Jahrzehnten und zeigt, wie sowohl die Definition der Migrationspolitik durch …
Challenges of Immigrant Integration in Spanish Local Governments
JM Ruano - Local Integration of Migrants Policy: European …, 2020 - books.google.com
In 2019, Spain surpassed for the first time in its history the barrier of 47 million inhabitants
despite a natural negative increase of 45,002 people, although compensated by a positive …
despite a natural negative increase of 45,002 people, although compensated by a positive …
El impacto de la crisis sobre el proceso de integración del colectivo de origen ecuatoriano en España. Sophia [online]. 2017, n. 23
G MORENO MARQUEZ, J IGLESIAS MARTINEZ… - scielo.senescyt.gob.ec
GARCIA, Mercedes. El impacto de la crisis sobre el proceso de integración del colectivo de …
GARCIA, Mercedes. El impacto de la crisis sobre el proceso de integración del colectivo de …
The impact of the crisis on the integration process of ecuadorians in Spain
G Moreno Márquez… - … de Filosofía de la …, 2017 - scielo.senescyt.gob.ec
GARCIA, Mercedes. The impact of the crisis on the integration process of ecuadorians in …
GARCIA, Mercedes. The impact of the crisis on the integration process of ecuadorians in …