Ultrastrong to nearly deep-strong magnon-magnon coupling with a high degree of freedom in synthetic antiferromagnets

Y Wang, Y Zhang, C Li, J Wei, B He, H Xu, J ** the magnon–magnon hybrid state onto the Bloch sphere
B Hu, ZK **e, J Lu, W He - Applied Physics Letters, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
We investigate magnon–magnon hybrid states using a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian and the
concept of magnon hybridization. By comparing our model with micromagnetic simulations …

Strong magnon-magnon coupling between ferromagnetic resonances in multilayers

K Ma, C Li, Z Hao, CK Ong, G Chai - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
We investigate the magnon-magnon coupling between the ferromagnetic resonances
(FMRs) from different ferromagnetic layers in Co 90 Zr 10 (100 nm)/Ta/Fe 20 Ni 80 (100 nm) …