Prophet: Precise qos prediction on non-preemptive accelerators to improve utilization in warehouse-scale computers
Guaranteeing Quality-of-Service (QoS) of latency-sensitive applications while improving
server utilization through application co-location is important yet challenging in modern …
server utilization through application co-location is important yet challenging in modern …
The locality descriptor: A holistic cross-layer abstraction to express data locality in GPUs
Exploiting data locality in GPUs is critical to making more efficient use of the existing caches
and the NUMA-based memory hierarchy expected in future GPUs. While modern GPU …
and the NUMA-based memory hierarchy expected in future GPUs. While modern GPU …
Coda: Enabling co-location of computation and data for multiple gpu systems
To exploit parallelism and scalability of multiple GPUs in a system, it is critical to place
compute and data together. However, two key techniques that have been used to hide …
compute and data together. However, two key techniques that have been used to hide …
CUDASTF: Bridging the Gap Between CUDA and Task Parallelism
C Augonnet, A Alexandrescu… - … Conference for High …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Organizing computation as asynchronous tasks with data-driven dependencies is a simple
and efficient model for single-and multi-GPU programs. Sequential Task Flow (STF) is such …
and efficient model for single-and multi-GPU programs. Sequential Task Flow (STF) is such …
Converting data-parallelism to task-parallelism by rewrites: purely functional programs across multiple GPUs
High-level domain-specific languages for array processing on the GPU are increasingly
common, but they typically only run on a single GPU. As computational power is distributed …
common, but they typically only run on a single GPU. As computational power is distributed …
Homp: Automated distribution of parallel loops and data in highly parallel accelerator-based systems
Heterogeneous computing systems, eg, those with accelerators than the host CPUs, offer
the accelerated performance for a variety of workloads. However, most parallel …
the accelerated performance for a variety of workloads. However, most parallel …
Dynamic Task Scheduling Scheme for a GPGPU Programming Framework
K Ohno, R Yamamoto - 2015 Third International Symposium on …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The computational power and the physical memory size of a single GPU device are often
insufficient for large-scale problems. Using CUDA, the user must explicitly partition such …
insufficient for large-scale problems. Using CUDA, the user must explicitly partition such …
Dynamic task scheduling scheme for a GPGPU programming framework
K Ohno, R Yamamoto, H Tanaka - International Journal of …, 2016 - jstage.jst.go.jp
The computational power and the physical memory size of a single GPU device are often
insufficient for large-scale problems. Using CUDA, the user must explicitly partition such …
insufficient for large-scale problems. Using CUDA, the user must explicitly partition such …
Enhancing Programmability, Portability, and Performance with Rich Cross-layer Abstractions
N Vijaykumar - 2019 - search.proquest.com
Programmability, performance portability, and resource efficiency have emerged as critical
challenges in harnessing complex and diverse architectures today to obtain high …
challenges in harnessing complex and diverse architectures today to obtain high …
3-D Viewer for interpretation of multiple scan sections
B Baxter - Proceedings of the May 19-22, 1980, national …, 1980 - dl.acm.org
A new viewing device is being constructed which will allow a physician to examine multiple
scan sections simultaneously in their proper orientation in all three dimensions. Test images …
scan sections simultaneously in their proper orientation in all three dimensions. Test images …