A neck compression injury criterion incorporating lateral eccentricity

T Whyte, AD Melnyk, C Van Toen, S Yamamoto… - Scientific reports, 2020 - nature.com
There is currently no established injury criterion for the spine in compression with lateral
load components despite this load combination commonly contributing to spinal injuries in …

Quantitative evaluation of facet deflection, stiffness, strain and failure load during simulated cervical spine trauma

RD Quarrington, JJ Costi, BJC Freeman… - Journal of Biomechanics, 2018 - Elsevier
Traumatic cervical facet dislocation (CFD) is often associated with devastating spinal cord
injury. Facet fractures commonly occur during CFD, yet quantitative measures of facet …

The effect of axial compression and distraction on cervical facet mechanics during anterior shear, flexion, axial rotation, and lateral bending motions

RD Quarrington, JJ Costi, BJC Freeman… - Journal of Biomechanics, 2019 - Elsevier
The subaxial cervical facets are important load-bearing structures, yet little is known about
their mechanical response during physiological or traumatic intervertebral motion. Facet …

Cervical spine injuries and flexibilities following axial impact with lateral eccentricity

C Van Toen, J Street, TR Oxland, PA Cripton - European spine journal, 2015 - Springer
Purpose Determine the effects of dynamic injurious axial compression applied at various
lateral eccentricities (lateral distance to the centre of the spine) on mechanical flexibilities …

[PDF][PDF] Objektivierung der Modellbildung von verletzungsmechanischen Experimenten für die Validierung von Finite-Elemente Menschmodellen

T Fuchs - 2018 - edoc.ub.uni-muenchen.de
Objektivierung der Modellbildung von verletzungsmechanischen Experimenten für die
Validierung von Finite-Elemente Menschmodelle Page 1 Objektivierung der Modellbildung von …

Load-sharing and kinematics of the human cervical spine under multi-axial transverse shear loading: combined experimental and computational investigation

T Whyte, JB Barker, DS Cronin… - Journal of …, 2021 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
The cervical spine experiences shear forces during everyday activities and injurious events
yet there is a paucity of biomechanical data characterizing the cervical spine under shear …

Computational modeling of hard tissue response and fracture in the lower cervical spine under compression including age effects

F Khor - 2018 - uwspace.uwaterloo.ca
Almost half of motor vehicle accident (MVAs) victims experience traumatic spinal cord
injuries (SCI), which are often associated with rollover accidents. Specifically, rollovers have …

The diagnostic precision of computed tomography for traumatic cervical spine injury: An in vitro biomechanical investigation

S Yamamoto, T Whyte, C Van Toen, A Melnyk… - Clinical …, 2022 - Elsevier
Background CT is considered the best method for vertebral fracture detection clinically, but
its efficacy in laboratory studies is unknown. Therefore, our objective was to determine the …

The Effect of Compression Applied Through Constrained Lateral Eccentricity on the Failure Mechanics and Flexibility of the Human Cervical Spine

A Melnyk, T Whyte, V Thomson… - Journal of …, 2020 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
In contrast to sagittal plane spine biomechanics, little is known about the response of the
cervical spine to axial compression with lateral eccentricity of the applied force. This study …

Quantification of morphological changes of the cervical spinal cord during traumatic spinal cord injury in a rodent model

T Bhatnagar - 2015 - open.library.ubc.ca
Traumatic spinal cord injury initiates a complex pathophysiological process that eventually
manifests as persistent tissue damage and possible permanent loss of neurologic function …