[КНИГА][B] Lexical-functional syntax

J Bresnan, A Asudeh, I Toivonen, S Wechsler - 2015 - books.google.com
Lexical-Functional Syntax, 2nd Edition, the definitive text for Lexical Functional Grammar
(LFG) with a focus on syntax, is updated to reflect recent developments in the field. Provides …

Copy raising and perception

A Asudeh, I Toivonen - Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 2012 - Springer
We examine copy raising in two closely related Germanic languages, English and Swedish,
and offer a formal analysis of its syntax and semantics. We develop a new event semantics …

[PDF][PDF] Glue semantics

A Asudeh - Handbook of Lexical Functional Grammar, 2023 - library.oapen.org
Glue Semantics is a general framework for semantic composition and the syntax–semantics
interface. It assumes an autonomous syntax and therefore needs to be paired with some …

[PDF][PDF] Derived arguments

S Needham, I Toivonen, M Butt… - Proceedings of the …, 2011 - typo.uni-konstanz.de
The distinction between arguments and adjuncts is fundamental to most linguistic theories,
yet the distinction is not always clear. In addition to clear arguments and clear adjuncts …

[PDF][PDF] Meaning and valency

A Asudeh, G Giorgolo, I Toivonen - Proceedings of the LFG14 …, 2014 - stanford.edu
We draw together ideas from a number of certain recent proposals in the LFG literature for
the encoding of lexical information and the sharing of this information across valencies in a …

On the Use of As If, As Though, and Like in Present-Day English Complementation Structures

MJ López-Couso… - Journal of English …, 2012 - journals.sagepub.com
This investigation is part of the authors' larger research project on so-called minor
declarative complementizers in the history of English, that is, connectives recruited mostly in …

[PDF][PDF] Raising and control

N Vincent - Handbook of Lexical Functional Grammar, 2023 - library.oapen.org
Raising and control are classic topics that have had a key role in theoretical debates since
the early days of transformational grammar. In this chapter we examine these structural …

Up to D [eb] ate on Raising and Control Part 1: Properties and Analyses of the Constructions

S Kirby, WD Davies, S Dubinsky - Language and Linguistics …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
This is the first part of a two‐part article that reviews a number of the current debates
regarding raising and control constructions. The issues addressed in this part include the …

A modular approach to evidentiality

A Asudeh, I Toivonen - 22nd International Lexical-Functional Grammar …, 2018 - ora.ox.ac.uk
Evidentiality is a well-established morphosyntactic category that has also received a lot of
attention in the semantics literature over the last 15+ years. However, it has received scant …

Taking it up a level: Copy-raising and cascaded tiers of morphosyntactic change

M Brook - Language Variation and Change, 2018 - cambridge.org
This paper uncovers evidence for two linked levels of morphosyntactic change occurring in
Canadian English. The more ordinary is a lexical replacement: with finite subordination after …